8 definitions by Captain Benjamin

Describes when someone or something is a severe bitch or pain the ass. It can also be used to express misfortune or anger like damn or fuck, or as a random vulgar adjective that serves no purpose but to add crudeness to a sentence.
"This knee injury is such a shit ass bitch."

"What the shit ass bitch are you doing on Friday night?"

"Awwwww, shit ass bitch!"
by Captain Benjamin April 18, 2007
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A person with an Afro, A fatneek thicc as hell, eats anything, gorgeous titties, the embodiment of beauty, says the n word even though he cannot, has no ethical filter will say anything. (Likes KFC)(Might have a black kink)
"Nigga come over here", said Benjamin.
"you can't says that you benjamin"
"give me food you moon cricket"
by Captain Benjamin November 4, 2020
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A slightly more inane relative of "weltschmerz" - usually used as an exclamation to express disappointment or unhappiness.
"I can't make it out to see you pitch your big baseball game tomorrow, I'm sorry."

"Aw, poopschmerz. :( "
by Captain Benjamin April 17, 2008
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A word that evolved from boob or bewb similar to the way t-hot did from tit. The word still holds onto a bit more of its original meaning than t-hot does, however.
Dude, stop being such a b-hab!
by Captain Benjamin September 11, 2006
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In the spirits of celebration put mint powder at the tip of your cock and cum. Make sure you do this with 5 to 10 people it is a bukkake. Just for extra kink add some chocolate powder.
"What did you do in the holidays?"

"I got a Christmas bukkake"
"so that's why you smell like mint chocolate"
by Captain Benjamin November 4, 2020
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A number of other similarly retarded things.
"Steve enjoys throwing up on himself, drinking lead paint, etceteretarded."
by Captain Benjamin April 17, 2008
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A douchebag who spends upwards of 20 dollars getting his hair cut. The haircut is not a glam metal kind of style, but more of a contrived "messy" and extremely lame kind of style.
"Hey, how much do you think that Goo Goo Dolls assclown spends on his hair?"
"I dunno, but what a salon boy."

"Hey look, a salon boy!"
"Yeah, let's beat the everloving crap out of him!"

"Hey look, another salon boy!"
"Yeah, let's beat him to death in the road in front of his mom and then blind her!"
by Captain Benjamin May 29, 2007
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