2 definitions by Black Shoe

A U.S. Navy Sailor (most likely a Brown Shoe) that has, somehow, managed to spend most of, if not their entire, military career at Tinker Air Force Base stationed at TACAMO (STRATCOMMWINGONE or one of it's squadrons). Most TACAMITES don't understand common Naval lingo, such as "haze gray and underway", "Reveille, Reveille" or "sea and anchor detail". Life as a TACAMITE is not perfect though. Occassionally, some are required to do a "tumultuous" Det to isolated locations such as Travis Air Force Base, where they are forced to stay at the BEQ and accept increased amounts of pay.
One example of a TACAMITE might be Senior Chief Cummings (definition also on urbandictionary.com).
by Black Shoe December 10, 2010
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A senior enlisted TACAMITE veteran of the United States Navy. A silver-tongued devil that has mastered the use of the English language. His quips are usually directed towards others who may be arrogant, stupid or careless enough to attempt to challenge the TACAMO Jedi of Jargon to a verbal war of words. Warning: Do not challenge him, you will lose. Although usually unprovoked, he sometimes enjoys luring Junior Officers and Chief Petty Officer selectees into a well placed linguistic trap.
Did you hear that Chief pull a "Senior Chief Cummings" on that Lieutenant? He probably won't leave the Wardroom for days.
by Black Shoe December 10, 2010
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