67 definitions by Bill the Cat

Term for people originating from the county of Wiltshire, England. Their ancestors were tough and built Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain and kicked Viking and Roman butt.
You could tell he's a moonraker because he's raking the moon's reflection in the pond.
by Bill the Cat May 18, 2008
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A person who eats their food over the kitchen sink to save cleaning up any mess. Usually is a bachelor who lives alone in a small apartment.
A sinkie likes to eat his beans straight out the pot.
by Bill the Cat May 18, 2008
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The man gave his wife an Irish rose for constantly nagging him.
by Bill the Cat March 18, 2008
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The mark made when a clumsy carpenter misses a nail and dents the wood.
An Irish rose is a sign of poor workmanship.
by Bill the Cat May 9, 2008
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My mother dropped the w-word and said that I had to go out and get a job.
by Bill the Cat May 14, 2008
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The word "commitment", another word you don't want to hear your girlfriend utter while dating. She will either say "I don't want to make a commitment" whereas you get dumped or "I want to make a commitment" whereas she wants you to dump your current wife. For the boyfriend to utter this word in such a way is a big no-no.
My girldfriend dropped the c-word last night.
by Bill the Cat May 14, 2008
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Ebonics for "very good". Immortalized in an SNL Garrett Morris sketch.
Baseball has been berry, berry good for Chico.
by Bill the Cat May 13, 2008
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