14 definitions by BigBlackBlick

A surgical procedure similar to a vasectomy, but performed on a rather large and robust scrotum/testicals. A gentleman with "big balls" would require a Vastectomy.
David: Dr I would like a vasectomy please.

Doctor: OK lets start with a physical exam, please drop your pants.

David: With pleasure Doc.

Doctor: Wow! From the looks of that duffel bag of a scrotum I can see right off that you need a Vastectomy.
by BigBlackBlick September 15, 2010
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Large meaty or beefy labia majora. So large that they resemble cuts of fillet mignon.
Dude I was surfing some porn and I saw this chick with awesome filletbia.
by BigBlackBlick January 19, 2010
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The act of getting so drunk that you don't know nor care that you have just totally shit you pants, usually with a sticky burning goo.
Dude did you see that loser, he was was pants full of shit drunk.
by BigBlackBlick September 13, 2010
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A person that promises to get you a sack of weed but extracts an exorbitant "toll" or delivery tax (aka sack tax) without your express permission, by pinching choice buds out and leaving you with sadness. This tax can be upwards of a third of your sack. They've also been known to cover up ther handywork, by putting stems, sticks or pebbles in your sack to accomodate for the lost weight.

This person most often also expects the buyer to smoke him out after the sale of said pilfered bag. The after sale smoke out is customary with any weed transaction, but it stings like salt in a wound when the Pinch expects it even though both you and he know that he has pinched upwards of a third of what is rightly yours.
Gregg: Dude look at this paltry sack Geoff R. just brought over.

Dave: (Laughing) Didn't you know that Geoff is the Pinch Who Stole Christmas?

Gregg: Apparently not. To make matters worse he hung around, not making eye contact for an hour until I couldn't stand it anymore and smoked him out just to make him leave.

Dave: (Still laughing) Yup sounds like the handiwork of the Pinch Who Stole Christmas
by BigBlackBlick October 21, 2010
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The outer edge of the stink sphere caused by a rank, nasty fart, air-biscuit, SBDF or the like. Derived from Stephen Hawking's description of the edge of influence of a black hole's gravitational pull. Once you cross the event horizon of a black hole, there's no going back. Once you cross the event horizon of a fart, you will wish you never did.
1. When Trimble reached my event horizon his head snapped to the side like he was bitch slapped by Arnold.

2. Joe was walking briskly into my office until he hit my event horizon, his forward motion then halted abruptly as if he had hit a brick wall.
by BigBlackBlick February 1, 2010
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An acronym for the derogatory term, saucey orifice, used instead of "significant other" to designate a woman that's kept around for physical pleasure. Can be used cladestinely in front of said S.O. when speaking to a friend who is "in the know". Said S.O. is lulled into a false sense of security thinking that they are your "significant other". (Only heterosexual use allowed as any other orifice is only saucey after the fact.)
Bob: Albert, just who is this engaing creature?

Albert: Oh, this is my S.O., Fillmein. Fillmein this is Albert. (Wink....wink)
by BigBlackBlick February 3, 2010
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What your beautiful, wonderful, kind, loving and nurturing wife, finace or girlfriend turns into when their monthly visitor comes to call. Similar to the transformation that occurs with someone who has been bitten by a Werewolf. A total and complete transformation into an irrational, instinct and hormone driven raging beast.

Similar to Monstosity:

1. an outrageous or ugly person or thing; monster
2. the state or quality of being monstrous

But directly caused by a visit from aunt flow
Joe: "Hey Frank, can I come and stay with you for a week, Betsy has turned into a complete menstrosity."

Frank: "No problem bro, I feel your pain."
by BigBlackBlick May 21, 2010
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