8 definitions by Big Phil

Bellus- Portugeuse for nice
Umm Bellus Rodders

Translates as Umm Nice Wheels
by Big Phil July 20, 2004
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A dude named Phil with a big ass dick, usually you need to get through a sea of whores to even get a glimpse of his girthy lovestick
Guy 1: yo at the party last night I almost saw Big Phil

Guy 2: no way, how many women were there?

Big Phil: about eleventy-one
by Big Phil October 3, 2018
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Performs a similar task to beer goggles. Has the uncanny ability to make unattractive people magically attractive. Nb effects can often be short lived.
Man, the girl I went home with looked so hot last nite, but I saw her again this morning without the larger visor and it was not a pretty sight.
by Big Phil September 16, 2004
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A very attractive young lady who would definately get it.

Walsall rules!
Q. What'd do reckon of that Keira Knightly?

A.Oh man, she'd get it no doubts. No Stellas required!
by Big Phil July 20, 2004
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1. Infinitive statement used to indicate that everyone should point and laugh; usually accompanied by finger pointing, first, by the speaker in the desired direction and, second, by all others who, in hearing this phrase, choose to participate.
1. "J.T. just pissed on that guy! Bojevus!"

2. "Did you just say you would some day like to probe Uranus! Bojevus!"
by Big Phil January 21, 2004
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Purgatory where people who couldn't pay for a better school go until they get into a real graduate/medical/law school.
Yeh, I'm going to Rutgers to save money before I get into Harvard Medical School.
by Big Phil January 12, 2004
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1. Pullin' Da Pud
2. Man to hand relationship
"I'm just hangin out. PDP.
by Big Phil January 21, 2004
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