17 definitions by BiG G

Choad, misspelling of the word chode
I wrote choad and I was wrong.
by BiG G July 15, 2004
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went to the hood to pick up a nickand blow a blunt
by BiG G November 5, 2003
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adj. a large hole. usually attributed to baggy lady-parts.
she's such a slapper; she's got a gash like a flangebucket
by BiG G October 27, 2004
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If a person is a twat a lot then they are certified as a twatbox
Ah thats it you twatbox, im gonna smash your granny's armchair now
by BiG G May 23, 2004
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A girl who gets fucked by every tom dick and Harry in every single hole a proper shitcunt!!
cor that maria has been getting it off everyone even my bird thinks shes a shitcunt
by BiG G February 16, 2004
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A group of elite eternal beings.
Ralph and Phlar inspire the Lummox to cause havok.
by BiG G December 20, 2003
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Suffix to any swear to make it twice as bad due to making it a personality trait...
"For fucks sake Reynolds you spilt the beer"........"Yeah you twatbox/cuntbox/fuckbox/shitbox"
by BiG G May 23, 2004
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