11 definitions by Ben Faulding

When the Mass Media and/or tabloids combine the names of linked celebrities to save precious column space. ie. Bennifer, Brangelina
Guy: Did you hear Demishton just got married?
Girl: What?
Guy: Demishton, you know Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher.
Girl: Oh that is the Worst Celebrity Contraction ever.
by Ben Faulding September 27, 2005
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An Elevator ride to or from the top or high floor of a building that stops at every floor on the way up or down.
"I tried to get out of work before those idiots downstairs in accounting so I wouldn't have to take the scenic route in the elevator ride down"
by Ben Faulding September 27, 2005
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1. One who goes on dates he/she met on jdate
2. Someone who constantly searches profiles on the jewish dating service jdate
I've met my last three boyfriends on the internet.
Wow you are such a jdater
by Ben Faulding January 9, 2006
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A vocabulary that includes obscure polysyllabic words that are often used incorrectly and/or out of their proper context. Specifically with people who don’t have the elloquence or articulate speech to match it.
Named so, because it was first observed with Mike Tyson after he finished a prison sentence for rape. One could imagine him sitting in his jail cell with nothing to do but read his dictionary.
From Tv: Lennox Lewis, I'm coming for you man. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah!"

Martha: Did he just use the words impetuous and Impregnable
Lucius: Thats his prison vocabulary
by Ben Faulding April 30, 2006
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When you feel like you're about to sneeze and it doesn't come and you feel like your head is about to explode.
John: Oh man I just had a sneeze that didn't come out.
Jake: OH, you mean an Achoo-Stillbirth . I hate those.
John: Yeah, they're almost as bad as blue balls
by Ben Faulding January 8, 2006
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When a normally mundane activity (ie. food shopping or doing laundry) is given social significance when accompanied by a love\sexual interest. It can be a good way to fit semblance of a social life into a young urbanites packed schedule, or can be a way of breaking the ice.
I wanted to hang out with Mary, but I had to walk my neighboors dogs so i took her with me. It was a laundry date.
by Ben Faulding September 25, 2005
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When you instant message someone the second you see them sign on, not even allowing them to put their away message up; thereby creeping them out a bit
The other day I had to aimbush one of my classmates, because sometimes she signs on and goes to take a shower. She might not have gotten the message for hours.
by Ben Faulding March 8, 2006
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