37 definitions by Balfdor

Someone who turns a normally civil conversation or situation into something unpleasant or troublesome.
Example 1

Disgruntled guy: Well I just got off work and I'm about to head home, so...
Homeless guy: Hey man could you give me a dollar
Disgruntled guy: Fuck off ya fag

Example 2

Tim: John go get me a root beer
John: You can probably get up and get it yourself
Tim: Dude... don't be a fag
John: Don't call me a fag you ass master
by Balfdor June 21, 2006
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Shorthand referring to the movie Pirates of the Caribbean with Johnny Depp and Keira Knightley.
Pirates 2 comes out on DVD this week!
by Balfdor December 5, 2006
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For male virgins when a guy friend tells them they can hook them up with a girl but they're really only joking about an imaginary girl, leaving said virgin feeling mildly heart broken.
Dan: Hey there's this girl named Krista who was asking about you...

Joe: Really??

Dan: No, hahaha

by Balfdor June 27, 2006
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An extremity uttered in desperation when a man is having his chest hair waxed.
From The 40-Year-Old Virgin

Andy: having chest hair waxed YOOOOWW! NIPPLE FUCK! KELLY CLARKSON!
by Balfdor January 2, 2007
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Physical damage. To "do a number" in an aggressive situation frequently implies hurting someone, usually a particular body part. For example a number is used in the phrases "I'm going to pop you one" and "a quick one-two" (in boxing).
Rough him up a little, then do a number on his face.
by Balfdor June 13, 2007
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A computer game having more glitches and lag than entertainment value.
The Xbox 360 version of Oblivion is totally bugged! The King of Miscarand spawned in the Imperial Prison District when I got arrested! WTF?
by Balfdor May 15, 2007
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Bitch On Arrival

Someone who starts acting rude or complains to you as soon as you talk to them, either because of their present mood or because they hold a grudge against you.
From the movie Waiting...

Look at the scowl on that one's face. She was BOA from the moment she went to their table.
by Balfdor June 21, 2007
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