55 definitions by BadLieutenant

In Delee Plaza where JFK was assassinated, they have a museum set up in the book depository where the supposed shot was fired from. The window where Oswald was supposed to have fired from is set up to look exactly like it did on that day. it is called the Sniper's Nest, and the museum is called the Assassination Museum. The Sniper's Nest is a very accurate reconstruction. One of the main reasons it is so accurate is because Oswald isn't in it.
Oswald didn't murder JFK. The shot supposedly came from behind him, where Oswald was, but when Kennedy's head was blown apart, it flung to the left. Its so obvious, yet seeing as Oswald was a Communist and the American government was so fascistic towards Communists, it wouldn't surprise is they just pinned it on him simply because of that.
by BadLieutenant August 18, 2004
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Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally on our planet. How can you make nature against the fucking law?
I think making nature against the law is slightly paranoid. It serves a thousand different functions all over the world, all of them positive, and it has never had any fatalities to account for. And no, pot does not make you unmotivated. Whilst high, you can do everyone that you would usually do, you just realise its not worth the effort.
'Sure, I could get up at dawn and go to a job that i hate and that does not inspire me creatively whatsoever for the rest of my fuckin life. 'Or i could get up at noon, and learn to play the sitar.'
by BadLieutenant August 12, 2004
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I have a lot of friends who follow the Goth subculture. Yes, Goths mainly dress themselves in black and possibly some black nail varnish and listening to metal tunes and such, but saying that all of them are drug-addicted, suicidal satanists is a pathetic generalisation. Not all Goths are like that, in fact i haven't met one of them with that kind of lifestyle. And even if they are, its their choice, and they don't deserve the hassle they get from close-minded idiots.
Leave Goths alone. Its their choice what to do with their life. You wouldn't like it if someone insulted and beated on you due to your lieftyle, would you?
by BadLieutenant August 13, 2004
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Cultural sheep. Pseudo-intellectual idiots who don't realise that music and clothing should be listened to and worn out of pure will, not because it is a lame trend.
Gangstas. Goths. I don't give a shit. Its all bullshit. Get a life. your not fighting against the system, your just brainwashed and part of it.
by BadLieutenant October 26, 2004
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All the morons on here like Psycho Bitch don't seem to realise that townies victimise those who don't share their Neanderthal way of life.They always bully metallers because of their musical taste and dress sense. For that person who said that moshers and skaters think they are better:Get your head out of your arse. They don't think they're better, they have just had enough of townie fuckwits picking on them, and so they should be. I can't stand all those stupid words like 'Blud', 'Innit' and 'Blingin'. Talking like some kind of rainforest ape. The girls dress like prostitutes and they act like them, and the males like their customers. They drive shit cars, drink horrible shit cider, flash their dicks at 70 year old women in the hope of pulling, and model themselves on gangsters and pimps (Who are low-life scum so its no surprise). I fucking hate townies and i pray to the gods that they have all been wiped out within the next few years
Yeh Blud, Innit Blud, I bang my 12 year old sister Blud, let me bum a tab off u (fucking wank stain).
by BadLieutenant July 26, 2004
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The best film of all time. Travis Bickle is the true definition of a hero.
He goes to a scummy brothel with his 44.magnum and blows away all the scum to save one little girl. Very admirable and a timeless classic.
Taxi Driver fucking rocks.
by BadLieutenant July 25, 2004
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The lowest group within urban society. Pests and annoyances. Townie males sport an up-turned baseball cap, and wear hoodies or baggy sports clothes, and usually have a shaven or short haircut. They can also be identified with large amounts of fake jewellery, Burberry clothing and poor linguistic ability. Townie females are generally mingers, with vast amounts of make-up, short sluttish clothing, loud, smokers and binge drinkers. They hang around local shops and/or bus shelters in large group numbers, and have a liking for garage, hardcore dance and hip-hop music as well as driving modified old cars (e.g. Vauxhall Novas). Townies are the main cause of social ills such as vandalism, petty theft and violent crime.
Townies contribute nothing to civilised society. They should not be here.
by BadLieutenant August 9, 2004
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