49 definitions by BJ

1. something a guy gives to someone who is feeling sick/sad/etc.

2. Sperm
Since Caleab was feeling down, I gave him a manicillin shot. After that, he was feeling better.
by BJ September 16, 2004
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A whiner. A crier. A sissy. Someone who is afraid of everything.
Derrick is such a puss boy. He never stops whining.
by BJ December 16, 2003
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a reaction to some person who got diced on some way or w.e...like O snap BiAtch you got diced.....nothing to do withsex
by BJ February 23, 2005
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receiving a blumpkin oral sex while taking a dump while also doing a top shelf taking a dump in the top portion of the toilet
by BJ October 17, 2003
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P erson
R idiculous
I nit
C ock
K inda stupid init

This is a townie, and if you are reading this and decide you are a townie do us all a favour and piss off init. Townies like thingsthat are shiney. Townies often walk into doors and start on the door. Townies is a waste of space init. Townies work in fast food resturants and get fat and greasy (yes greasier then normal, but how is this possible???). Townies should die. Townies will get their 'posse' on you, lol, more like possum, stupid f**ks. Townies swear every other word. Townies say 'init' or 'bling bling' every other word, infact this is all the interlectual compacity of the townie mind can handle. Another phase 'sed' alot is 'oooooo shiney', when infact is a 10p piece on the floor. Townies are cheap bastar*s, they shop at a local market init coz they cant afford any thing else init. Townies are not to be reconed with, simply coz they is a waste of time init. Townies have a bad sense of fashion (nore do i but i aint no townie init). Townies are pussys, and they have no life.

AVOID THESE F**KERS AT ALL COSTS (oh yea n they cant spell to save their lives)
by BJ January 14, 2004
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A person who is the ultimate computer geek. Knows programming and web design and operating systems and networking and hardware and just about everything else you can think of.
My MCSE instructor was a retired Navy uber geek.
by BJ July 18, 2003
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