60 definitions by Assex 776

The president who nailed more fine pussy than any other man that was ever in the Oval Office. During WW2, he was boning a Nazi spy. Then, in 1952, he married a ravishingly hot heiress named Jacqueline, who later appeared naked in Hustler magazine. By the time he was president in 1961, he was having multiple affairs with dozens of women including: Mary Tyler Moore who was still married to Dick Van Dyke; Jayne Mansfield - a famous satanist, actress and nude model; Judith Exner - the mistress of a mafia boss; Angie Dickenson - a nyphomaniac redhead; and most famously Marilyn Monroe, who he murdered in 1962.

After a while, Kennedy's whoring ways made even the Gambino crime family red faced with shame. A secret alliance of assassins was formed, which carried out the JFK assasination on 11/22/1963. This black alliance consisted of mobsters, Cuban patriots, the Memphis Mafia including Elvis and Colonel Tom Parker, Texas politicians and conservative government agents working in tandem w/ FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, who was a gay Republican.
John F Kennedy nabbed more fine poon than any leader in the history of the world including Caligula.

There is no woman on earth, who John F. Kennedy could not screw.
by Assex 776 November 26, 2007
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Archaic phrase from the 1980s meaning a homosexual who is very weak and in the final stages of full blown AIDS

An insult attached to a pussy gay man or man you perceive as being weak and prissy

I went down to the hospice where my mom works, and all these AIDS bags were there stinking up the place with their bodily fluids. My mom should wear a body condom.

Mr. Felcher is an unbelievable AIDS bag. Not only is he the worst teacher in school, I think he wants to cornhole my anus.
by Assex 776 September 30, 2007
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The white trucker who was nearly beaten to death by the LA Four, on April 29th, 1992, at the corner of Florence and Normandy in South Central Los Angeles during the Rodney King Riots/Celebration.

Sustained severe brain damage and lives every day of his life in severe pain suffering from seizures from a crater in his head caused by an airborne brick thrown by one of his assailants, who did a NFL victory dance after braining Mr. Denny and stealing his wallet.

Was abandoned by the LAPD along with hundreds of other innocent civilians, who were victimized by career criminals during the Rodney King Riots.

A good example of why it's a good idea to hit the gas, if a bunch of guys in the ghetto try to carjack your 18 wheeler.

Reginald Denny should have run over those racist gangbangers instead of letting them into the cab of his truck.

You could be the next Reginald Denny, if you happen to work a job in a high crime area.
by Assex 776 September 14, 2007
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A Major League Baseball team that was started by Ewing Kaufmann in 1973 in Kansas City, Missouri, which had been the home of the legendary Negro League champions, the KC Monarchs (1920 - 1962) - Jackie Robinson, Satchel Paige, Buck O'Neil, etc.

At first, the Royals lived up to the level of excellence set by the Monarchs. From 1973-1993, they won ten American League West penants, lost one World Series to the Philadelphia Phillies in 1980 and came back five years later to beat the St. Louis Cardinals in the I-70 Series. In 1980, third baseman George Brett had over a .400 batting average.

Other Royals megastars in the first two decades were:
1) Willie Wilson
2) Bret Saberhagen
3) Frank White
4) Al Hrabosky, the Mad Hungarian
5) Jorge Orta
6) Dane Iorg
7) Bo Jackson

After 1993, the Royals went into a slump and became one of the worst teams in MLB. This has been acutely painful to watch, if you were a fan of Royals Baseball in the 1970s and 1980s.
The decline of the once great Kansas City Royals has been like watching a Shakespearean tragedy. It's sad to see a team that was once at the top of the MLB fall to the bottom.

The Kansas City Royals consistently beat the Yankees in the '70s and '80s even with half their budget. This gave hope to kids across the country that baseball was fair and honest. Anyone with talent could rise to the top. Today that hope is lost.
by Assex 776 October 3, 2007
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