60 definitions by Assex 776

Warm spit and/or the shitty residue left in a man's anus after taking an extremely sticky shit.

Hey, Tyrone. Earl raped you using prison lube, you bitch nigga.
by Assex 776 August 30, 2007
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A word invented by Idaho skinheads as a racial slur against blacks. Not funny or witty except among skinheads up North.

Rarely if ever used in the South, where the blacks actually live. Down there the popular insults are coon, nigger, jigaboo or porch monkey.

Skinhead: "Oi, mate. Them bloody nig nogs were listening to there raga music again."

White Southerner: ????
by Assex 776 October 6, 2007
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A Confederate cavalry officer, who beat Union troops in nearly every battle especially when outnumbered two or three to one.

Massacred black and Union troops at Fort Pillow in 1864, or at least turned his back on the actions of his subordinates.

Made his fortune raising tobacco and selling slaves.

Was the first Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan or KKK, which he disassociated himself with shortly thereafter. He testified before Congress in 1870 during the Ku Klux Klan hearings and rightfully considered the Klan completely lawless terrorists.
Nathan Bedford Forrest was the first gangsta rapper. Not only did he get rich from selling black people into slavery, he also invented the drive by shooting and lynched dozens of black people.
by Assex 776 September 6, 2007
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A disorder of the House of Representatives and Senate that causes right wing Teabaggers to furlough non essential government workers indefinitely, while also passing a bill to pay them their full salaries during the shutdown that the most conservative Republicans caused trying to nullify the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and the 2012 elections
Senator Ted Cruz & House Republicans displayed Congressional Dyslexia last Saturday agreeing to pay govt workers their full pay for the days they're being involuntarily furloughed. This costs taxpayers approximately $21 billion per week more than if the asinine shutdown had never happened. When asked how much longer these govt workers would be furloughed, House Speaker John Boehner said "Uh, I dunno."
by Assex 776 October 6, 2013
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1) a female who loves to suck dick

2) a gay man

3) a liberal Democrat
1) You baby faced nob-gobbler. I love your pussy and tits. Give me a kiss.

2) I don't care if you dress better than me. At least I have sex with women, you nob-gobbler.

3) I'm not voting for that nob-gobbler Obama for a million dollars.
by Assex 776 May 27, 2008
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A towel used by someone in their ass crack. It can be somewhat clean and hygienic as in butt-towel, when used after a shower.

However, many males use a butt towel to clean the grit off their anus and ball sack, when they are too lazy to bathe more than once a week.
My girlfriend used a butt-towel right after her shower to dry off her cooch and butt crack. I would have used it on my face after that and not been offended at all by her sweet smell, but she immediately took it to the wash room and threw it in the washer.

Mark is such a mongoloid. He's almost 40 and still lives in his mom's basement. I don't think he bathes often, which is one reason why he shaved his head and obtained a butt towel to wipe the scum and sweat off his sphincter and nut sack. What a fucking groder.
by Assex 776 June 13, 2009
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In America, Affirmative Action was a product of the Great Society policies of President Lyndon Baines Johnson. It was first codified into law under a series of Executive Orders (not approved by Congress, in other words), which stated that munitions manufacturers including private firms doing business with the federal government should "take affirmative action" in hiring minorities - at the time defined almost solely as African Americans.

As the Vietnam War dragged on under President Richard Milhous Nixon, Affirmative Action became part of a wider government program to bribe inner city blacks to get with the program and support their government. Of course, Affirmative Action, welfare (started under FDR in the 1930s) and other government handouts did nothing to increase the love that black people had for the federal government.

By 1978 liberal activism was under attack. President Jimmy Carter had expanded Johnson's liberal social programs to their ultimate extreme, and white, middle class Americans began to look toward the Republican Party and their rising star, Ronald Reagan, for new political direction. That same year, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 against quotas for the first time in the landmark California Board of Regents vs. Allan Bakke decision. However, Affirmative Action was far from dead and buried.

Today Affirmative Action remains rooted in American policy, although most Americans including many African-Americans find Affirmative Action outmoded for the much less racist atmosphere of the 21st Century.

Inexplicably Affirmative Action still exists, even after the election of Barack Obama.
Affirmative Action put that white guy with a college degree in the unemployment line, while that black guy who can't even write his own name got the promotion.

Asians and Jews are also targets of racism, but they get none of the benefits of Affirmative Action. It's punishment for their success, I assume.

Jesse "Affirmative Action" Jackson got Nike to loan him $600 million dollars after threatening a boycott. What an extortionist piece of shit he is.
by Assex 776 November 7, 2008