13 definitions by Anon989989

Puritanism - Don't say that Beyonce looks hot, that's committing the sin of lust.

Political correctness - Don't say Beyonce looks hot, that's patriarchal objectification of women.
by Anon989989 December 8, 2015
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The female version of a beta male or the fake nice guy:

Often overweight or below average in attractiveness; often poor taste in fashion

Less successful socially or professionally than her alpha peers, spends most of her free time clubbing, hanging out, playing on her smartphone, getting her nails done, etc and if she's a parent she's usually not as good a mom or emotionally invested in her kids.

Often resentful of men out of jealousy at being turned down - thinks that men are pigs who only care about tits and ass (but likes Drake, Usher, Justin Bieber, etc just because they're "hotties").

Resentful of more attractive women and thinks of them as slutty and superficial (similar to the beta males who assume all guys more attractive than them are douchebags.

Sometimes overcompensates for her unattractive qualities by acting more masculine; similar to how Bronies or less manly types of guys shun 'traditional' male roles in favor of more feminine interests due to feeling alienated from their peers.

Beta male. Women only date guys who are jerks, I can't get a girlfriend because I'm too nice!

Beta female. Guys only date women with a big booty and tits. I can't get a boyfriend because I'm too nice!
by Anon989989 January 29, 2016
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An anti-conformist is a pseudo-individual who thinks being "non-mainstream" or part of a "sub-culture" is automatically an individual.

Examples include some (but not all) members of many "social outcast" subcultures such as emos, goths, juggalos, bronies, btards, geeks, new atheists, metalheads, stoners, hipsters, Ron Paul fans, SJWs, even Scientologists.

Ironically anti-conformists are more conformist than the majority of "normal people", and are just as bigoted as the stereotypically "cool" or "popular" cliques such as jocks, preps, cheerleaders, sorority girls, etc.

Try arguing that the Phantom Menace is better than the original Star Wars at a Sci-Fi convention, and you may be treated like a heretic in medieval Europe. Try telling a metalhead that you enjoy a few Lady Gaga songs and you'll get a similar result. Or ask a hipster to try watching any movie which isn't "foreign, indie, arthouse", etc and he'll tell you it's crap without even watching it.

Some subcultures started out as something original, but nowadays are often a manufactured image people adopt for negative attention - like the jock who buys his clothes at Abercrombie and Fitch, a metalhead will buy his tattered jeans and black T-shirts at Hot Topic yet still claim to be non-conformist.

In short they're essentially to normalcy what the Punisher (an anti-hero) is to Superman (a hero) - but an anti-hero is still a protagonist no matter how much it denies it.
South Park showed a perfect example of anti-conformist mindset. While the "goth kids" prided themselves on being non-conformist, in reality they generalized and excluded anyone who didn't dress exactly the same as them or listen to the same music as them, proving themselves to be some of the biggest conformists around.

A true individual on the other hand has a wide variety of interests - he may enjoy both heavy metal and pop music at the same time, or might enjoy playing Dungeons and Dragons while still enjoying sports - the difference is that he chooses his interests out of genuine interest rather than just trying to affect a certain image, and is typically a lot more tolerant toward people with different tastes rather than expecting everyone to be a carbon copy of himself.
by Anon989989 November 2, 2015
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PUA is short for pick-up artistry. A live-action role playing game in which geeky guys role-play being "suave sophisticated players".

The rules of the game involve constantly approaching strange women that one meets at bars, clubs, shopping malls, etc and repeating some canned lingo or "pick up line", usually resulting in rejection. While occasionally it does result in the participant getting laid, this is usually the result of trial and error, or simply spending hours every week trolling bars and nightclubs, and rarely if ever the result of the "game itself".

Contrary to belief though, the object of the game isn't even strictly about "getting laid", but rather proving to other players that one is not afraid of rejection. Which why some guys continue to persist in it even after 100s of rejections instead of just finding a hobby where they can meet women natually.
PUA- I spend the last weekend leveling up my nightgame status, but now my daygame is underleveled. I think I'll hit up the shopping mall and approach a few 7/10s today and practice my negs.
by Anon989989 August 28, 2016
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A political extremist, typically a far-leftist such as a communist, anarchist or revolutionary. The conservative equivalent is reactionary.
The Jacobins were the radical left-wing of the French Revolution who instituted the Reign of Terror.
by Anon989989 December 8, 2015
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A website which serves basically as a haven for the mentally ill, gender confused, and sexual deviants where they can post any deviant fantasy or delusion that they want without being "judged for it"; yet at the same you will be judged if you dare to point out that any such behavior is dysfunctional. Currently has a list of over 70 nonscientific "gender identities" its members can choose from.

It's essentially Marquis de Sade's 120 Days in Sodom taken to cyberspace.

If you're single, unemployed, housebound, and get off to erotic fanfiction involving a threesome between Pikachu, Barney the Dinosaur and the Hamburglar, or believe you have the sexual identity of a female Greek goddess trapped in a mortal man's body, it's probably you're only social outlet aside from your court-appointed psychiatric visits. If you're anyone else, it basically just serves as entertainment akin to PT Barnum's circus

Possibly the only thing that surpasses it in perversity and sheer horror are the pedophile advocacy sites like NAMBLA.com.
Tumblr user: I'm a transgendered Jewish martian video game character trapped in a man's body. Don't judge me you racist, transphobic, misogynist, sexist scum!
by Anon989989 January 25, 2016
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