25 definitions by Ali T

A slang word for the male penis. Usally spoken with a northen accent.
That whore put on her stiletto boots and walked all over my cawk.
by Ali T April 19, 2003
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After several hours of boneing a worish slut your dick begins to get irritated due to the condom's lubrication evaperating
Person 1 "Dude I was so drunk and her cum box was so boored out that I couldn't bust my nut and ended up getting condom Raw"
Person 2 "Holy shit bro, so what did you do?"
Person 1 "I jerked off in the condom and threw it in her eye like a cum balloon, causing that bitch temporary blindness"
by Ali T May 15, 2003
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The errect male cock
My man flower was in full bloom when I saw that little slut in that whore dress of hers.
by Ali T April 24, 2003
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Yeah, we threw his ass in the back of the buss and hauled ass to the Hospital
by Ali T April 28, 2003
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simmilar to "Ta Da" or "there you are nigga"
Kedow, I busted that slutty as bitch in the lip with my cawk
by Ali T April 21, 2003
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When a cottage cheese type substance begins to ooze/drain from the female vaginal cavity fusulting in an offensive type manner to both the visual and olfactory senses.
I thought that the tramp that I brought home from the club was Grade A prime ass, but once she pulled of her skidmarked drawers I saw that she had pussy shit leaking from her gaping, sultry, moldy, gash.
by Ali T May 15, 2003
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