32 definitions by Alex-2598

A fusión genre, especially popular in the 1960s, which combines elements of pop and classical music. The style emerged as artists were interested in recapturing the grandeur of the baroque era.

Common characteristics of baroque pop:
1. Heavy use of strings, woodwinds, brass, and other orchestral accompaniment
2. Intricate, layered harmonies

3. Prominence of the harpsichord, a baroque era favorite
4. Lyrics that were often fantasy-like, romantic, and, sometimes intentionally, vague.

Baroque pop is related to sunshine pop and psychedelic pop, all three sharing several characteristics, such as their use of complex harmonies.
Baroque pop is not very popular nowadays, which is a shame, as it is one of my favorite genres .
by Alex-2598 November 18, 2017
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The Gridiron Football team formerly known as the Washington Redskins. Also known by their initials, WTF.
2021 is shaping up to be another disappointing year for the Washington Team of Football, affectionately know by all as the WTF, after being favored by many to win the NFC East at the start of the season.
by Alex-2598 November 17, 2021
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A phrase that ought to be on this site so as to preserve it in perpetuity as a culturally and aesthetically significant remark.

As expected, the phrase announces that the speaker intends to both kick bubblegum and chew ass, only to express regret that he is all out of ass to chew. Cue furious bubblegum kicking.
You think you’re the shit, huh, pal? You think you got what it takes? Well let me tell you this: I’m here to kick bubblegum and chew ass…and I’m all outta ass.
by Alex-2598 April 22, 2023
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The fear of climate change and other environmental phenomena, or more specifically, “the feeing of powerlessness to prevent cataclysmic environmental change”. An ecophobic person is likely to have feelings of great anxiety or helplessness about the future. They are possibly also human fatalists, believing that humanity is bringing about the destruction of itself and the planet and that nothing can be done to prevent it. While many people today are rightfully worried about the effects of human intervention on the earth’s climate, some ecophobic people take an even more pessimistic view, and believe that the extinction of mankind itself is necessary to save the planet. This is a controversial view, and not held by most people who feel anxiety about climate change.
If you feel a general sense of helplessness and fatalism when you contemplate the future in humanity’s struggle against climate change, it may be a sign that you have ecophobia
by Alex-2598 July 11, 2021
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A particularly endearing Millennial love confession. It should be noted that if said to a non-millennial, there is a very high probability that it will come off as extremely confusing and likely result in your sanity (and grasp of the English language) being questioned.
John: "Sarah, all my base are belong to you."

Sarah: "Oh John, I love you too!"

Bewildered bystander: "Huh?"

Knowing bystander: "It's a Millennial thing."
by Alex-2598 April 27, 2023
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Also: Johnny-come-early

The opposite of a Johnny-come-lately. A Johnny-come-quickly is someone who is very early to catch on to a trend or stand up to an established social convention, usually the the point where they will be mocked, ridiculed, and possibly even persecuted in their own lifetime. In the end, of course, they are often proven correct, as shown by the eventual acceptance and mainstreamization of their position by Johnnies-come-lately.

While Johnnies-come lately are socially adept enough to pick up on logical cues from the world around them and adapt with the times, Johnnies-come-quickly are guided less by such rational logic and more so by an overwhelming sense of conviction in the truth of their beliefs. A Johnny-come-quickly is by definition extremely courageous because they are taking a position that is extremely unpopular.

Some examples of Johnnies-come-quickly throughout history include the the first people to posit a heliocentric solar system, the first proponents of a round earth, the first people to question the authority of the Church and of religion in general, and the first to take progressive stances on the rights of women and LGBT people.
While he faced ridicule and failure in his own lifetime, Leonardo Da Vinci’s dreams of the seemingly impossible notion of flight were eventually borne out, thus ensuring his pioneering legacy as a true Johnny-come-quickly
by Alex-2598 November 24, 2020
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“Flat”, from the musical notation for a flat note, not to be confused with the letter “b” to which it does bear a striking resemblance.

However, ♭ can also be used as a general replacement for the word “flat” in writing (it is always pronounced “flat”, in spite of its resemblance to “b”), much like & can substitute for “and”, or @ can stand in for “at”.
My soda tastes a bit♭

I can’t stand♭ earthers

The performance fell♭ on its face

That dress really♭ers her figure (flatters)

His♭top and♭cap are straight out of the 50s (flattop, flatcap)

My♭mates kept me up all night with their horribly♭ karaoke (flatmates)
by Alex-2598 January 20, 2021
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