36 definitions by Alec

to practice, usually a musical insturment. a person does not need to literally be in a shed to 'shed'.
i need to work on my drumming, i'm gonna hit the shed

man you look real tired, looks like you were shedding it all day
by Alec October 17, 2004
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when both your parents and the parents of a hot girl say its okay that your parents arent hoem when she comes over for a long time.
Betty is coming over later and no parents will be home. Its so surreal.
by Alec July 15, 2004
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Metallica's latest album. It has been given a lot of heat lately because there are still stubborn people clinging on to napster. It isn't their greatest album, and i could have been a lot better with just a few minor changes:
better mixed and tuned drums
better lyrics
add guitar solos
by Alec November 6, 2004
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A term a girl friend uses towards her boyfriend and vice versa!
Alec: I love you babe
sara: I love you 2

AIDAN: heya babe
sara: hi
by Alec April 22, 2005
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we're gonna take yo mamma out all night, we're gonna show her what it's all about, we're gonna get her jacked up on some cheap champagne and show her what it's all about!
by Alec August 27, 2004
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(Please excuse the length of this definition, but I enjoy being thorough.)

In the traditional sense, dragons were large reptilian creatures first thought of in the medieval time. (medieval in the eastern and western sense.) In western realsm, the dragon was a greedy, tyranical brute who ate damsels, demolished villages, and kept a huge treasure hoarde. Mostly portrayed as a generally lizard-like creature with many crests and horns, terribley sharp claws, large teeth, sometimes quills or fur, and almost always wings. (Different variants occured, such as the wingless two-legged Linwurm, and the scorpion-tailed wyvern.)They might've also had a lion's or dog's head.

In the eastern realms, dragons were beneficial and wise. They did of course keep their treasure hoardes, a dragon is nothing without his shinies. (They're very good eating.)They were snakelike, colourful, posessed deer-antlers, usually had a mane of fur or a crest of the stuff running down their back. They were awfully powerful beings, usually close to the gods, and lived in mountains, and sometimes in the ocean. I don't kinow much more...I'm pretty sure they could breathe scalding water instead of fire.

Nowadays, dragons are an icon. Anime' abuses them, fantasy novels use them, and D&D keeps them sacred. In DD, there are two main types of dragons, called true dragons(western variety).

Here's a list...

Metallic (Good) Dragons

Gold: Looks much like a cross between a western and eastern dragon, breathes
fire, very wise. (Wings look like large fins.)

Silver: Traditional western dragon, with tall fin. Breathes frost, serene and graceful. (My favourite.)

Brass: Again a traditional western dragon. has connecting its limbs to its body, aquatic. Breathes lightning, fascinated with war. (Still good, though.)

Brass: Traditional western, has the fin-like wings of the goldy. Breathes fire, LOVES to talk.

Copper: Traditional western, fin-like wings. Spits acid. Incorrigable prankster.

Chromatic (EVIL!) dragons. (note all of them are traditionaly western.)

Red: Lives to destroy, incredibley greedy (even for a dragon.) Breathes fire (obviously).

Blue: Vain, proud, would do anything to save its hide. Breathes lightning.

Green: Manipulator, honey-tongued, curious of other creatures. Very interesting breath weapon, it spits a cloud of corrosive vapour. (My favourite chromey.)

Black: Horrible temper, territorial, cruel. Spits acid.

White: Very STUPID. Breathes frost. (More of an animal than a higher being.)

Note that these dragons are intelligent (except thew white), and cast magic, speak, manipulate, conquer, what have you. Most of the above stuff is from DD..
"Look, Sir Thelonius is slaying the Lindwurm!"

"Shinrao will help us, he'll know what to do."


by Alec October 1, 2004
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1. One who actually lives in a poor place and must join gangs to look got towards their peers.

2. A term used by rappers to make them seem like they are ghetto even though they ride in Rolls-Roycea
1. I am actually a gangsta and actually live in the getto.

2. I am 50 cent and ride in Bentley's and Rolls Royces and live in 12 million dollar homes which are situated no where near the ghetto.
by Alec November 5, 2004
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