153 definitions by Adel7

Being very flirtacious through the use of emoticons and acronyms.
20s Singles chat room rife with qwerty flirty behavior:

cooldude22: OMG ILY soooo much sooo much
sweetchick7: I <3 U
cooldude22: : )
cooldude22: ;) I <3 U ;)
cooldude22: UR SOOOOO HOT - I L Y BABY
sweetchick7: :*
cooldude22: ooooh you're soooo lovely - omg omg ILY
sweetchick7: oh I luv u 2 baby - btw, watcha look like
cooldude22: ummm... well honestly I'm a 47 year old man with a lovely beer belly and some old sneakers, but omg u r sooooo hot!
by Adel7 November 30, 2007
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Flexible and ready to change, easily adaptive when the time comes.
Slipjanko was a labile fellow, the guy got fired and was kicked out but two months later was back in action.
by Adel7 March 28, 2009
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Procrastinating drinking any liquids because one is worried that one will have to go pee during the coming few hours.
Tom: "Hey, dude, wanna get a PowerAde? I'm bout to get one now from that machine."

Jeff: "Naah I'll hydrocrastinate. I'm taking the SAT today and I can't get bothered in the middle of a section."
by Adel7 November 30, 2007
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To stay awake all weekend long.
Although I didn't have a good reason, I decided to pull an all-weekender so I could finish the Blockbuster movies before they were due monday.
by Adel7 January 3, 2008
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What you tell Harry Potter dorks when you get really pissed off at their nonstop Potter chit-chat. Basically, it's like saying STFU except it is more offensive to those pointy-hat-wearing Potter nuts.
HP dork: "I read the 7th book 17 times already, and tonight I'm going to read it again. I can't believe what happens to Ron and Hermione. Oh my gosh, it's like...."

Anti-Harry pedestrian: "Expeliamos! Don't make me call Voldemort on your nerdy ass? Now shut your mouth and do something productive."

HP dork: *starts crying profusely"

Anti-Harry pedestrian: "There there. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, but please take my advice and stop reading Harry Potter and dwelling over this fake nonsense. How about reading something real like Grisham's The Firm? Eh? Try it - it might help you a bit."
by Adel7 August 23, 2007
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Nifty windows mini-application for getting strange characters like ß , ÿ , &#1758; , Þ, × , &#9689;, õ etc.
All the funny, wacky, abstruse, and scientific symbols are in the charmap. That's just my two¢
by Adel7 December 4, 2007
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A very basic Java editor that basically let's you code Java in a simple manner, but doesn't give you much help. Good for easy coding and small projects.
For my first CS class we used drJava, but now I gotta switch to Eclipse.
by Adel7 March 28, 2009
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