1 definition by AIDS sucks...and so do you

With any luck, a vaccine for this horrible disease will be ready within the next ten years. Then you fundies and homophobes can think of something better to do with your time.
Associated Press report (January 24, 2005):

A potential HIV/AIDS vaccine developed by Merck & Co. that uses synthetic genes to prepare cells to fight the deadly virus is moving into the second stage of testing.

An approved vaccine would be about a decade away if the trial and a third study are successful, said officials with the international coalition that is collaborating on the work.

"It is the most promising candidate that we've seen so far," said Sarah B. Alexander, associate director of the coalition, known as the HIV Vaccine Trials Network. She cautioned, however, "something better could come along tomorrow."
by AIDS sucks...and so do you February 6, 2005
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