11 definitions by 6:47 AM

Biggest city in Arizona. There is a higher percentage of upper middle class citizens than in other cities, but not in a good way. It just creates a bunch of upper middle class kids who are dilletante alcoholics, dilletante pot-smokers, wiggers, or self-proclaimed punks. However, it isn't a desert here like everyone thinks. All the suburban areas have lots of grass, and the only places with no vegetation are the areas being cleared out for new buildings.
I am watching a rumble between white kids who wear clothes that are too big and white kids who wear clothes that are too small. Don't try to fit it. It's Scottsdale.
by 6:47 AM June 4, 2005
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A sound made by hardcore kids during lulls in conversation about girl pants and tight shirts and the scene.
Marco: Yeah, then we went to The Blood Brothers show and it was pretty good. Yeah...
Yevgeny: Wuah.
by 6:47 AM May 31, 2005
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One who begins to act straight edge for fashion, rather than physical or emotional health. Usually poseur straight edges can be identified by being 13-15, ages when most have no choice but to be straight edge, but few choose to flaunt it. Pen-drawn X's on the back of the hands are one of the only things that is similar between a real straight edge and a poseur straight edge. Poseur straight edges are essentially whatever clic the individual was before they found that marker, plus two black x's. These kids usually are not part of the hardcore scene in itself, but try to salvage their integrity by listening to watered-down, cookie cutter hardcore music.
Ernest: Hey! That kid looks hardcore straightedge! Oh wait! He is wearing dickies shorts and 130 dollar skater shoes and he has blonde hair! Whoops!
by 6:47 AM May 31, 2005
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A self-proclaimed independent film written, directed, and acted in by Zach Braff. The plot is extremely slow and predictable, and there are no parts in the film that stand out from any other part. Many teenagers worship Garden State, claiming that it is "genius" and "redefined film." This is untrue. The movie is a generic circular plot with unidentifiable plot stages.

The movie has an ad for the soundtrack about twenty minutes in. It's not a huge ad, but it seems very out of place. The music by itself is okay, if you are into slightly ethereal, lyrically-focused bands. As with the movie itself, many teenagers cling to these bands as if they can do no wrong.
John: Hey Sally, wanna go watch Garden State?
Sally: No. It's boring and I would fall asleep and neither of us would get any.
by 6:47 AM May 31, 2005
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When one defines their significant other by their first name on Urban Dictionary. Usually causes near immediate regret, as any love you define on the internet isn't going to last long.
Urban Dictionary Love is so romantique!

Dude, Marcus defined his girlfriend on Urban Dictionary. She dumped him because the second definition for her name was 'Cum guzzling bum bobkin.'
by 6:47 AM November 14, 2005
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A small free speech zone that can be placed on the back of a car. All varieties of crude and rude attitudes can be displayed on a bumper sticker. While some supposed funny quotes are placed on some, most immediately lose their hilarity due to repeated use.

Bumper Stickers can also be used to attempt to change tailgaters opinions.
I sure hope my Jesus loves you bumper sticker converts that guy in the volvo!
by 6:47 AM November 20, 2005
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A book created by Phillip Roth. One would say it is about a Jewish kid losing his religion, until they notice the first 200 pages say "cunt" "pussy" "wad" "dong" "dork" "dick" "putz" or "fuck" at least twice a page. After that you could say it is about a Jewish kid losing his sex drive towards those whom he should stereotypically find atractive, Jewish girls, due to the actions of his parents.
"Hi"--softly, and with a little surprise, as though I might have met her somewhere before...

"To buy you a drink," I said.

"A real swinger," she said, sneering.

Sneering! Two seconds--and two insults! To the Assistant Commissioner of Human Opportunity for this whole city! "To eat your pussy, baby, how's that?" My God! She's going to call a cop! Who'll turn me in to the Mayor!

"That's better," she replied.

And so a cab pulled up, and we went to her apartment where she took off her clothes and said, "Go ahead."

Coolest fucking book ever.
by 6:47 AM June 4, 2005
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