115 definitions by .

Luke Ryan wat a GAYASS!!!!!!!!!! he is SOOOOOOOOO gay!!
Luke Ryan: I am sooooo Gay. wat a GAYASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by . January 26, 2004
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1)A great band who know no restrictions in their music, and who really rock live.
2) bay area slang for a boring day, takeing bong hits.
1) The first time i heard Green Day, i coulnt belive my ears.
2) Today has been a green day, im so bored and wasted.
by . September 17, 2003
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Christina is a major rich bitch and gave Tony a random boner!
by . February 22, 2004
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debby isn't supposed to be spelled with a y at the end of it. those 'debby' named people are uncool. it's spelled 'debbie'.
debbie is the coolest but debby is a nerd.
by . March 30, 2005
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Being in the state of never having taken it up the butt
by . December 15, 2003
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The flakiest of flaky sports fans. In general, a bandwagoner, if you will. Roots for his/her team as long as they're winning, but as soon as they lose a couple has nothing but negativity to spew regarding said team. Irritating, whiny, and most likely reproductively challenged. May sport an afro, but this is not mandatory.
(as Calgary wins their second game in the Western Conference Finals; Ryan makes his first mention of them)

Ryan - OMGguys!!1!one!! I've been rooting for Calgary all season long, and they've always been my second-favorite team.

Everyone else - You're such a gatt. And, now that we think of it, you're such a ryan too.
by . June 12, 2004
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{debdeb} The hottest thing created. A sexy and sensual body that all the guys want. So amazing that guys think about it all day and all night, wanting it but just can't have it.
"She has such a debdeb thing going there!"
by . March 30, 2005
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