1 definition by ----> The Raving Critic <----

Ugh, where do I even start with this band. From the lyrics; to the screaming that sounds like a pig getting it's internal organs removed; this band just makes me wonder where the dignity of the world has gone. If you think about it for a second though; they are signed up with Noize Records, so I suppose it all makes sense. The band in general is a mockery of the music world that everybody we have come to know and love have built into an empire. When I first heard this band, it was like some recking ball had come and disintegrated all that. BOOM! And it all falls down to the ground. I could record my 10 year old brother screaming his ABC's and pressing some buttons on a synthesizer and OMG IT'S THE NEXT BROKENCYDE MEMBER.
Obama - Hello citizens of America. I'm here to inform you that there has been a notable amount of deaths throughout the world that have happened for unknown reasons. The only lead we have on the deceased; is that they had gone forcablly deaf shortly before leaving this world. If you have any kind of information on the matter; please send it to us immediately. Your tips will be anonymous.

*e-mail's brokeNCYDE tracks to president*
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