53 definitions by Marie

A guy who gets a girl drunk and then takes advantage of her. Then the next day she is really sad about it and regretted what she did. Knowing that he still is proud of himself and brags to everyone he knows about what he did.
Luc is telling everyone what an ass he is. He's such a jerk.
by Marie April 19, 2005
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someone who acts like a right twat
you stupid muppet
by Marie August 29, 2003
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Polish greeting, translates to "hello"
"dzien dobry"
by Marie September 19, 2004
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"buenos dias"
by Marie September 19, 2004
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anything that has to do with movement
shuboosh along now...
by Marie August 2, 2003
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Rough young people living in cities and towns in certain ares of Ireland wearing burberry hats tracksuit pant/short jeans and celtic jerseys with a few bulldog tatoos
I wouldnt go there if I were you,Thats a knack area
by Marie March 27, 2005
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when you've had to many drugs and to much alcohol
oh my god that is'nt my boyfriend DAZ he's proper moffed it
by Marie August 22, 2003
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