116 definitions by ?

purple stuff,oil,sizzurp, whatever you wanna call it. Is a codine and promithazene mix that people from the south and H-town sip and sell.
1. YOu got some drank?
2.I'm dranked out.
by ? October 22, 2003
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An area on the border of Greater Manchester, not so far from Bury, Bolton, Burnley etc; Made famous for its Ski Slope.
Inhabited by inbreds, specifically in Bacup, and now becoming more predominant in Rawtenstall and Haslingden.
There are also alot of asians who think they are 2pac, and alot of people of irish/celtic descent.
local; 'oi ere ya, u got a spare fag or wot?'
by ? April 7, 2004
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the world's numba 1 best lil asian sis, cant touch her!
by ? July 27, 2003
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A wonderful girl who has a very bad taste in men and who needs to chill about messsin with guys.
by ? April 9, 2003
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A gay alien. Usually is green with big eyes. It abducts people and probes them with its laser. Has a ray gun for defense. Usually makes the sound of the gun with its mouth as in "Zaaaaap"
by ? March 24, 2004
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an acronym for In My Honest Opinion
used by those online idiots, who feel the need to make absolutely sure that readers will understand that what they have just said(or are about to say) is their opinion and not their granny's/dog's etc.
Idoit: I think XYZ game is sooo cool IMHO it has teh graphics which wonzor doom3
anyone with half a brain: Umm O.K
by ? March 6, 2004
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