1) bosting is a black country term to mean good or great.

2) bost is another black country term for broken or damaged
1) i 'ad a bostin' time i did rrrrrr

2) my computer is bost
by Richard Lake November 5, 2004
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When something has stopped working
I switched my computer on and it was Bost,
by Neil Mason February 20, 2004
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'Bost' when someone or something has gone wrong. Can mean anything from someone whos not in total control of themselves or has been injured in some way. Applies to material things such as cars also.
"Look at him, he's bost after that pint"

"He's gone in the head, totally bost"

"Mate, your car is bost, didn't you see the bus coming"?
by Jimma Arnold January 14, 2004
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After she gave birth to our first born, I would watch her feed him with her BOST and knew that things will never be the same again.
by MasterGrizzle January 11, 2008
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Bosted is "black country" slang for broken.
This pen doesn't work, I think its bosted !
by Lee September 22, 2004
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Black country British term for something being broken or that has just got broken. Or hitting something causing damage
feck, just bost my pen

Just bost me toe off the chair!!!
by Miss Brit May 18, 2011
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1 - Something broken, usually beyond repair.
2 - To strike something with fist or instrument.
"Look at Ian's car, its bost"

"What happened to his face"? "someone bost him with a tool!"
by Jaimeson January 14, 2004
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