5 definitions by SmoontyLoverLexi

popularized by Sarah Lynn this common phrase is a respectful way to wish someone well when leaving a situation.
by SmoontyLoverLexi May 31, 2017
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Smoonty is fucking great person to be around. The smoonties of the world are rare so cherish them.
Where is everyone? They're all hanging out with Smoonty!
by SmoontyLoverLexi May 31, 2017
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Buddios are your friends that you can be real with. They've probably seen you naked but they don't sexual you because they are your buddio. They also will support any choice you make. But they will also ask you not to murder them because they notice your anger issues and they respect for them.
"Way nifty buddio"
by SmoontyLoverLexi May 31, 2017
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Way nifty is an adjective describing any great event. That thing is way nifty, you are way nifty, i am way nifty. Ya know way nifty!
way nifty buddio
by SmoontyLoverLexi May 31, 2017
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