1011 definitions by QuacksO

Refers to the (unfortunately very-seldom-practiced!) consideration of using a separate hand-held rubber eraser --- or at least to slip on one of those much-longer-lasting wedge-shaped "supplementary" eraser-caps if you know you'll be doing a lot or error-expunging --- to clean most of your mistakes instead of just mindlessly consuming your pencil's minuscule built-in eraser, so that you don't wear da entire 0%!$&#@ eraser clear down to the metal ferrule before the pencil's even been "sharpened away" much at all, causing any unfortunate person who subsequently attempts to use said pencil to not have any eraser left for "emergency" erasures (i.e., where he needs to make a quick correction in a tense/flurried situation, like trying to hastily jot down a phone number or address, or to quickly fill out a form where neatness is a must). It helps eliminate waste, as well --- think how many still-perfectly-usable pencils (i.e., they still have most of their "length" remaining) likely get discarded just because their erasers are worn down.
I always bring along a few pencil cap erasers in my purse, since I know how few people actually practice pencil-eraser etiquette, and so oftentimes the only pencils that will be lying around for people to use will not have any eraser left.

P.S. There's also such a thing as "pencil-POINT etiquette --- if ya wear down the lead in a "public" pencil, such as a string-tethered one for a "customer comments" notes-box, practice a little fellow-human consideration by scraping away a bit of the wood at the tip to expose a little of the graphite core again (here's where always carrying a small pen-knife --- or even better, one of those tiny two-finger-grip "dog-bone" or "hourglass" style sharpeners --- can come in handy), so that da next patron who wishes to fill out a store-satisfaction card can have enough of a point on da pencil to actually do so!
by QuacksO November 17, 2018
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Eager-beaver reporters who go around covering the stories of people who make lots of "exploding cereal" to either sell or pass out to their family and friends.
I always make my "firecracker corn" in a soundproof room so as not to attract any popperazzi to my door.
by QuacksO March 28, 2019
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Refers to the past-heavenly act of gently swooping a petite cutie up in one arm, cradling her knees under your other arm, holding her close to your chest, and then smilingly gazing into her placidly-happy face while cooing contentedly to her.
Huge marshmallow-hearted guy: I love giving sweet-faced damsels a sling-snuggle shortly after I meet them --- usually it makes the gal just totally "melt in my arms" and "go dreamily submissive" on me, and then she'll let me savor her soft warm palms on my cheeks, massage her pretty feet, joyfully knead her juicy pliable bicepses and calves, smoothe her cheeks and forehead, and perform any other pleasant "canoodley" activity with her.
by QuacksO July 7, 2018
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What a buxom gal's "set of twins" are if they stay "firm 'n' full" once she ages past 40.
Some well-endowed ladies' baby-feeders mirackulously retain their shapeliness well into their grandma years.
by QuacksO June 23, 2023
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Humorous/sarcastic phrase dat refers to how a majority of male humans strongly want to "squeeze theeze" whenever a buxom chick happens to be nearby.
In a number of home videos --- including a famous one on AFV --- various apes and monkeys are seen groping da "treasure chests" of human ladies. It appears, therefore, dat "all guys have kneads", no matter what species of primates they happen to be. :P
by QuacksO December 27, 2022
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A dice game played by super-wealthy individuals whereby the winner gets to take possession of the loser's luxury cabin-cruiser.
A variation of yachtzee is a "lower stakes" game that does not offer actual transfer of ownership of an expensive pleasure-craft; it can simply grant the winner borrowing/piloting privileges of the nice boat for a day or other specified period of time. Nor does the game always involve water-based conveyances; it can also be played for the ownership/use/driving-privileges of a limo/luxury-sedan, fancy pickup truck, or other highly-desirable road-vehicle.
by QuacksO December 18, 2017
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Da conscious "putting to rest" of your emotional attachment to a nudist camp, enabling you to then "move on with your life" in the normal "fastened together and buttoned-up" garments-wearing world.
My skin-worshiping roommate at da Corpus Christie resort has such a fetish for my bare protoplasm dat he clipped all da buttons off my clothing so dat said garments would "hang open" when I wore them, and so I had to sew 'em all back on again before I could truly get "clothesure" afterwards.
by QuacksO February 7, 2020
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