1 definition by Leonardino

Mohandas Karamchamd Gandhi. Indian Lawyer, Politician,Pacifist that Give India Freedom without killing anyone (for war-lover ¨poltician¨, please see george bush ).
He is also famous for his active practice of non-violent protests, that included fasting. Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela Were both inspired by him.
Gandhi also fought against castes-in india the lowest cast wasn´t able to drink water from a fountain, neither eat fresh food, not even TOUCHING an aryan(indian´s ¨superior¨ caste)`s shadow.
He was shot by a indian-muslim separatism fanatical.His last words were ¨he Ram¨(dear god.
Sadly, a weapon-killing-war loving people who adore guns,(and happen to be associated) started a gandhi-is-nazi campaign, as it was seen on the show of two im-larger-than-life pseudointellectual magician wannabes

Of course this is total bullshit, but well...haters will exist as long as ingnorance exist.
Einstein(quote): in the future nobody will believe such a saint man ever lived.

Gandhi(quote): I do not believe god is truth, the TRUTH is God
by Leonardino November 8, 2006
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