the term for "increment" after 6 months of consecutively getting crunk 3-4 days out of the week. Incrementation is the product of learning more complex words while losing your brain's natural ability to pronounce them do to alcohol and drugs. It is synonymous with signification, examinaplicability, groundification, multiplicability-ness, and using words like atbrosphere and ill nanas in an environmental science research paper.
John, tell me the incrementation on the graduated cylinder, I really want to bust a nut on this lab report.

The incrementation on the posterior node imparts a subtle irregularity with modern geological constructs, and the overall validity of paleontology as a well-founded institution!
by dr kenneth noisewater May 11, 2009
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The slippery slope that often causes generally principled people to slide into unethical behavior.
Although we have all come to understand that the Fraudster in Chief has no internal ethics compass to begin with, it seems more likely that many of the lifelong public servants who wound up in his thugsphere fell victim to what philosopher Jonathan Glover describes as the following process: “Incrementalism is how we slide into participation by imperceptible degrees so there is never the sense of a frontier being crossed.”
by Dr Bunnygirl November 12, 2019
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The philosphy of acheiving great things in a series of many small steps.
There have been many incrementalist designers who have taken years to perfect their visions.
by Edd Rayner February 11, 2004
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The belief or mindset that anything can be accomplished if you tackle it one small step at a time. The frame of mind that is the opposite of "all or nothing" thinking. Phrases a person with a positive incrementality might use include "baby steps", "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time", and "start small and build." "Slow and steady wins the race" is the motto of the person who possesses incrementality. This is the tortoise, not the hare.
Start small; develop incrementality!

Her incrementality helped her to make major lifestyle changes one baby step at a time.
by Carlyweb June 13, 2011
There is a secret paramilitary unit called "The Increment" which performs covert operations on behalf of HM Government, claiming that operators are selected from the "cream of the crop" of the SAS and SBS, and work on Security Service and Secret Intelligence Service supervised missions. The same unit is known as Counter Revolutionary Warfare unit (CRW) in the SAS.
There is a secret paramilitary unit called "The Increment" which performs covert operations on behalf of HM Government, claiming that operators are selected from the "cream of the crop" of the SAS and SBS, and work on Security Service and Secret Intelligence Service supervised missions. The same unit is known as Counter Revolutionary Warfare unit (CRW) in the SAS.
by Increment December 5, 2011
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Slowly taking it up the ass over a period of time so that you do not feel the effects of an invasion of your personal liberty or of that of your distinct social group.
Wow, that OPD raid sucked. But what do people think. They've let corporate America fuck them up the ass for years for years without saying anything as their individual freedoms were slowly eroded. It's like incremental anal.
by pcdbob October 30, 2011
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Incremental games (also known as idle games, clicker games, or clicking games) are video games whose gameplay consists of the player performing simple actions such as clicking on the screen repeatedly ("grinding") to earn currency. idlers and dungeons on android is one of the most famous example.
idlers and dungeons, on android incremental game
by Lid mala November 15, 2018
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