42 definitions by w00fdawg

Hey, if Aarron is in the mood, I may get me some num num tonight!
by w00fdawg August 12, 2005
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Not a description of a gay gangbang involving watersports, but a tasty meal, very popular in Wales, consisting of a large meatball (the faggot), served with processed peas (not too mushy!) and topped with a thin gravy. Typically served in a bowl and best enjoyed with a spoon to lap up the tasty juices.

Very tasty fare to enjoy after a rugby game (there are still faggots and peas vendors in larger towns in Wales) but of course faggots and peas are also eaten at home.

Sadly these traditional delights are becoming less common with the preponderance of standardised, homogenised fast food establishments such as McDonalds, Burger King and KFC.
"Hey boyo, I'm starvin' after watching Wales hammer those English bastards in the rugby! Let's have a bowl of faggots and peas and down twenty pints of Felinfoel Double Dragon Bitter!"
by w00fdawg September 19, 2005
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Designed as a means to enhance clitoral stimulation, with specially positioned nodules on the palmar aspect. It is made from PVC and is worn on a finger during digital stimulation of the clitoris or other genital structures.

It is a nice alternative to using a vibrator for clitoral stimulation. Can be used by the woman or by her partner. Does require the addition of suitable lubrication.

The packaging states to be used once and thrown away but at around £3.30 a pop that is expensive.......... just wash carefully and you can use it a few times, I reckon! It's not a condom after all.

I wanted to mention this product because it has been so discreetly marketed that even when looking at the packaging it is hard to work out what it is! I think it has been packaged for women who would not want to use vibrators, and feel that their failure to orgasm is some kind of medical problem!

A amusing piece of literature is supplied with the product which tells the user not to continue stimulation for over an hour.............. I wonder what happens if you do? Does one's clitoris self destruct?

Anyway, it does the business, without the need for batteries!
"What is that you are wearing on your finger, Mummy?"
"Why, it's my Vielle stimulator, darling, I will buy you one when you get older, my darling daughter, and a map of the clitoris for your sexual partner, should he happen to be male........"
by w00fdawg September 5, 2005
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This is what people in the UK used to say before the arrival of the ubiquitous "There you go!" from the US. It is what is said by a cashier at the checkout when they return your credit card, by the waiter when they bring a you a meal, etc etc. It doesn't really mean much, it's an acknowledgement more than anything. Sometimes "Here you are!" is substituted for "There you are!".
The waiter eventually arrived with our meals after an interminable wait.

"There you are!" he said brightly.

We left no tip.
by w00fdawg October 15, 2005
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A mishearing of chickenpox (varicella), a viral illness characterized by a very itchy red rash. Commonly heard in South Wales, in particular Llanelli.

Despite the lipsmackin' monicker, the discarded scabs are NOT recommended for human consumption.

"Taffy, worra those big scabs yew are scratchin' there? I bet you 'ave the chicken box!"
by w00fdawg September 5, 2005
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More than one alcoholic drink. Plural of bevy. Word used throughout the UK, but originally more common in the North/Scotland.
I'm going down the boozer tonight to meet my mates and sink a few bevvies!
by w00fdawg September 30, 2005
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