28 definitions by ferret

A Boiob are 2 breasts with a Penis between(the I is the penis)
You boiobed her and got it in her eye huh?
by ferret October 20, 2003
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An individual or group of individuals with a fresh & creative idea or concept which starts out funny, but gradually becomes tired and lame due to extreme lack of effort and true creative abilities.
those GI Joe PSA videos on the internet were pretty damn funny until the guy started being a fensler.
by ferret April 23, 2004
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Newcastleiens are fucking stupid
Stupid fuck, He must be a Newcastleien.
by ferret December 8, 2003
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Used by girls often when they see a man with large muscles
by ferret June 28, 2003
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The acquisition or use of a “cool” motor vehicle to remove the possibility of erectile dysfunction. Attempts at extending you’re sexual prowess by owing or associating with a car designed to excite sexually.
Hey did you see my new wheels? Yeah that is definately some serious piston viagra.
by ferret March 16, 2009
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A mathmatical function that solves any math problem regardless of what step you're at. With the Cogao, the answer is normally 0, 1, or undefined
Yeah, that Physics test raped me. I just used the Cogao to get half the problems
by ferret December 29, 2003
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A slothenly woman that has let herself go. Mostly seen sitting on the couch consuming someone else’s food and using their phone. Probably has no self esteem and is too lazy to do anything for herself. On the verge of needing life support in order to continue breathing.
Hey you slack mole get off your ass and do something useful.

Jezz if that slack mole is still on the couch I’ll be pissed
by ferret March 22, 2005
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