13 definitions by TechNerd22

It's that part of the Atlantic Canadian province Newfoundland and Labrador that people always forget about. It's next to Quebec, and people think the Labrador dog is from here, but it's actually from Newfoundland.
Guy 1: I'm gonna go to Labrador!
Guy 2: You're going to get a Labrador dog? That's cool.
Guy 1: No, I'm going to Labrador!
Guy 2: What the hell is Labrador?
Guy 1: You know that place next to Quebec, Canada? That's where I'm going.
Guy 2: Oh.
by TechNerd22 May 28, 2021
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It's the word to! Unless you're under 3 years old, you know what "To" means. Why the hell did you search this on Urban Dictionary? Wait, lemme guess, you're bored?
by TechNerd22 May 28, 2021
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That thing the Youtuber stevecash83 always says at the end of a video description. We don't know what it means, and we'll never know as stevecash83 is dead.
stevecash83: So Sylvester did this thing and yadda yadda yadda. Flaggle Claggle.
fans: what the fuck does flaggle claggle mean, you've been saying it since 2010, we should know now.
stevecash83: ...
by TechNerd22 June 1, 2021
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Popular Reddit bot released in January 2019. It is designed to find reposts by saying "u/repostsleuthbot" in the comments of a post or "u/repostsleuthbot -samesub" if you wanted to find posts just from the same subreddit you're on.
Redditor: u/repostsleuthbot -samesub
RepostSleuthBot: Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 8 times.
by TechNerd22 December 4, 2021
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China - Home of all the garbage electronics that break in 2 weeks!
Person 1: Ugh, I just bought this new phone on eBay and it broke in 2 weeks!
Person 2: It's from China! That's why. They make lots of fake electronics that die in 2 weeks.
by TechNerd22 August 28, 2021
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Used as the slogan for internet meme, sbubby. "Eef Freef" is a non-nonsensical edit of "Eaten Fresh"
by TechNerd22 November 30, 2021
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An adorable girl who will always deny being adorable despite being a super adorable girl. She will also help plenty of people but when she fails to help she will call herself a bother and annoying, despite helping plenty of people.
Person 1: Hey look, it's Auralyn, she's so adorable.
Person 2: I know, Auralyn is such a cute girl and I know she's gonna deny it.
Auralyn: I'm not adorable! Both of you are wrong!
by TechNerd22 August 7, 2022
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