Plural noun: squidi
an elongated, fast-swimming cephalopod mollusk with ten arms (technically, eight arms and two long tentacles), typically able to change color.
fish using squid as bait.
Oh no, the squidi are drying on land!
by Thomas Loves Books May 28, 2021
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Created by Sean Howard.
One of the best Internet Comics, many people hate it just because of a tiny insignifigant dispute with the creator of Penny-Arcade another popular internet comic. Squidi's main comic is "A Modest Destiny" which pokes fun at some of the RPG and fantasy cliches.
by Shaun G. August 28, 2004
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To crack down on a copyright infringement for what may seem like a bad

Squidi is the former name of the avatar used by the (deservedly) praised webcomic author Sean Howard. After a copyright disupte involving the Penny Arcade webcomic, the name began to carry some a bit of baggage and since then Sean Howard has stopped using the name but its legacy lives on and it still remains the URL of his site (
Don't worry, you can use any image from my comic as an avatar or whatever you want to do with it; I'm not going to go Squidi on you or anything.
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A very lazy handjob. The hand is placed with the fingers hanging down over the end of the cock and wriggled lazily up/down side to side.
I was so hungover I just tried to get away with a squidy but he wasn't having any of it.
by wpgw June 1, 2011
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adjective:weird;unusual;different;abnormal; but cute as FUCK.
person one:Damnnn that girl is hela weird, but i love it!
person two:I know she is hella squidyy
by babytee March 26, 2009
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One who is strange in nature and has no obvious feelings for anything or anyone except that of themselves and is a treasonous beast for gluttony.
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