A word created by comedy-singer Tim Minchin in his song Prejudice

A gingerphobe is a person who hates gingers or red haired people
"If you're a gingerphobe and you don't like us.
We will stand up to the fight if you wanna fight us.
But if you cut yourself, you might catch ginger-vitus
So maybe you should watch your funky mouth!"
by TheBlindTardis May 3, 2011
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Somebody who has a fear or disgust of ginger people.
Mr.B: Ew look at that ginger person over there yuk!
Mr.A: Shut up you gingerphobic!
by Jade Rebecca December 16, 2006
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Referring to the (not quite irrational) fear of Satan's spawn.

"Bro you're being so gingerphobic"
by CruncherCrunchm's July 1, 2023
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having a rational fear of gingers or a strong hatred for them
i’m gingerphobic because of ed sheeran fuck ed sheeran
by barbzasf January 30, 2021
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some one who is deathly scared of gingers or people that have red hair pale skin and freckles.
"Carl you are such a gingerphobe."
by superginger11 December 24, 2009
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