83 definitions by flightfacilities

A dialectic between the Deleuzian Left and the Integral Right.

A dialectic between a pro-nominalist Right Wing and an egoistic Left Wing
The right tends to oppose nominalism; whereas the left tends to oppose egoism.

The Warden Post publication is the home of the pro-nominalist Right whereas Merion-West publication is home to the pro-egoist Left.

The meta-right consolidates the two vectors together.
by flightfacilities October 15, 2021
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The proffering that the polytheistic gods exist; but the monotheistic god does not exist.

The idea that there are an uncountable number of gods.
Apeirotheism states the monotheistic God is at the center of the immune system; putting it in ultra-nihilism.
by flightfacilities February 13, 2022
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The Trinity of Lakshmi (goddess of being); Jesus (mind-category), and Krishna (Krishna-consciousness).

The triliminal trinity attempts to replace not only the monotheistic God of Judaism; but the christian trinity as well...
The triliminal Trinity extenuates the mind as a function of consciousness. For this purpose: it extrapolates Krishna consciousness, Christ (the mind-image), and Laxmi (being) as the three spectra of a sublime Trinity.

Triliminal Christianity argues that all spectral avatars come from the Holy Spirit (Krishna in Hinduism).
by flightfacilities May 12, 2022
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Assumption that the stability of a society is dependent on the honesty of high-aptitude people.

Assertion that society collapses when high-aptitude people become dishonest through the profit-motive.
Interiography is based on the observation that low-IQ people are prone to use dishonesty as a survival strategy.

The paradigm argues that when high-aptitude people join them via structural profit; society moves toward the undecidability-pathway (Deleuzian rhizome).

Interiography explains why low-context cultures are more prosperous than high-context cultures.
by flightfacilities November 24, 2020
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Postulation that low-IQ people are more dishonest than high-IQ people.

Assertion that societal stability is contingent on high-IQ people remaining honest.
Interiography argues that religion makes society stable because it prevents smart people from engaging in dishonesty.
by flightfacilities November 28, 2020
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Referring to a cultural state in which every sentient being has a digital twin in the metaverse.

Ultrahumanism steps beyond a digital twin for every business to a digital twin for every sentience.
Ultrahumanism refers to a hyperreal state in which each human contains a digital twin.

It is often confused with transhumanism which is referentialized by the emergence of the artificial uterus.
by flightfacilities October 30, 2021
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Paradigm that reality is comprised of heat-elements-in the-mind.
Pane-psychism is the idea that your local reality is made of heat-images-in-your-mind.

It is the Krishnic view of reality.
by flightfacilities February 22, 2022
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