16 definitions by cheryl

The state of extreme lack of energy, utter fatigue, such that one feels like he/she has about as much substance to their physical frame as a bowl of jello - melting at that!
I'm learning it seems to be a "you're doing too much" sign that kicks in even sooner than the brain "fog" and disorientation and extreme "jello-ness."
by cheryl June 15, 2006
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the act of living with a criminally sexy man but not having sex with him despite ample opportunity.
I cannot believe Libby lives with a man that fine and is continuously wasting the sexy.
by cheryl April 13, 2005
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adj. - a girl who is in to "Middle Earth", the outcats of society who not only is in love with anime, neopets and Lord Of the Rings but also has lice in pussy hairs
Damn that fucking towel dropper smells like shit, I'd never fuck that lice having bitch!
by cheryl November 7, 2004
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A word that is used all ova in the UK put has different names, all with the same definition, other names are;
Chavs, Neds, Townies, Kevs, Charvers, Steeks, Spides, Bazzas, Yarcos, Ratboys, Kappa Slappers, Skangers, Janners, Stigs, Scallies. but where i live in the north east so they are called charvas. charvas are people who wears lots ov bling bling usually big massive clown necklaces, tog24's berghauses, peter stroms ect and rockports, nike air max, big sovereign rings and an attitude like nothing you've seen b4. usually between the age ov 9 - 17 but can be older if its a lass livin in a council house that miffs (stinks) with 15 kids running round all with different dads! they are also usually potheads who smoke tac.
'Here i am charva so divvant mess wiv me like! aalreet?'
by cheryl June 6, 2004
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"fame before death" is girlchaos' mantra.
by cheryl February 25, 2004
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