8 definitions by TheWarlock

v. 1. Originating during the arcade fighter craze in America in the early 90's, a phrase; which is most commonly used and attributed to the Capcom game Street Fighter II, that describes a player using the maximum right or left of the screen's playing area to trap their opponent with little means of escape, to which they are capable of holding an unfair advantage through repetitive offensive attacks, character balance exploits, and/or "turtling" to achieve a "cheap" or "cheesy" easy win during a round, commonly ending with the opponent failing to maneuver away from the attack, or the opponent being unable to sustain any more block damage from Super or Special moves.

note: In Street Fighter Alpha 2, a victory icon was introduced in the form of a small cheese wedge, which was designed sardonically in honor of the predominance of "cheese" in the fighting game genre, which is awarded to the winner of a round who defeats their opponent using a Super or Special move while they are blocking.

Inflected Forms: corner cheesed, corner cheesing, corner cheeser
"I only lost that round because I got caught by his corner cheese."

"That guy ain't all that good, he just corner cheesed me with his Ryu."

"I'm not playing him, he's just a corner cheesing pattern punk."
by TheWarlock July 7, 2005
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n. 1. Originally coined in the late 80's and used primarily by rockers, a rare term that describes a very enlongated cigarette ash on an untapped or unflicked cigarette which was frequently observed occurring with guitarist Slash of Guns N' Roses fame as he would chain smoke while playing guitar.
"Whoa dude, you better get an ashtray, you've got one hell of a Slash ash and it's about to fall off and get all over everything"
by TheWarlock June 27, 2005
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n. 1. A subscriber of the America Online service, who's world revolves around email and chatting and cannot function on a day to day basis without large, sloppy, cartoony icons to tell them what to do to while operating their PC; nor are they considered computer literate; nor are they able to use the web either efficiently or in general, who type poorly with little to no correct grammar or punctuation whilst overusing internet abbreviations to convey messages as quickly and as lazily as possible, rendering their electronic conversations illegible and otherwise nonsensical to an embarrassing degree.

2. A person in which case the closest thing they've ever seen to a mouse is a bar of soap, and have no idea what they're doing online, in front of a computer, or in general, who are usually overly ignorant to technology as a whole, who are considered by the general population as complete idiots who are unfit to operate a computer.
"Every AOLer should have to go through rigorous computer training sessions so that everyone else isn't bothered by their stupid questions."
by TheWarlock May 19, 2005
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n. 1. A subscriber of the America Online service, who's world revolves around email and chatting and cannot function on a day to day basis without large, sloppy, cartoony icons to tell them what to do to while operating their PC; nor are they considered computer literate; nor are they able to use the web either efficently or in general, who type poorly with little to no correct grammar or punctuation whilst overusing internet abbreviations to convey messages as quickly and as lazily as possible, rendering their electronic conversations illegibale and otherwise nonsensical to an embarassing dergree.

2. A person in which case the closest thing they've ever seen to a mouse is a bar of soap, and have no idea what they're doing online, in front of a computer, or in general, who are usually overly ignorant to technology as a whole, who are considered by the general population as complete idiots who are unfit to operate a computer.
"Every AOLer should have to go through rigorous computer training sessions so that everyone else isn't bothered by their stupid questions."
by TheWarlock May 17, 2005
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n. 1. The well known abbreviation for the New York Metropolitans baseball team, which has won 2 World Series' and 4 Pennants, who's home field is Shea Stadium, located in Flushing, Queens, New York. Part of the National League East, their most well known nickname aside from "Mets" is "The Amazing Mets", or simply, "The Amazin's". The New York Mets team mascot is Mr. Met.

Commonly scorned and ridiculed by New York Yankees fans; who, by majority, are largely "front-runners" and "bandwagon jumpers" who choose to support the New York Yankees on account that they have the largest amount of resources available out of all Major League Baseball clubs, which is used to attain better and/or higher paid players, and therefore have a greater chance of consistently winning. They are basically seen as a club exploiting an unfair advantage acting more like the Microsoft of Major League Baseball than a franchise, and their fans are viewed as people who only root for the winning team.

Mets fans, however, are regarded as loyal, true-blue supporters win or lose. Being a National League team, they have no Designated Hitter to bat for the Pitcher during games. This is seen by American League fans as an easy out, as Pitchers are often poor hitters, but there is more respect for the National League because their Pitchers hit for themselves. Shea Stadium is also one of the hardest fields to hit a home run out of, with 410 feet at center field. Overall, it is generally known that the Mets sometimes have the odds stacked against them automatically, and are considered to be an underdog team. However, being victorious with so little in their favor is an amazing feat, as it requires more skill and superior sports ability.
"Lets Go Mets!!!"

"When the Yanks win, nobody really cares, because they're expected to. When the Mets win, it is a display of pure skill, technical merit, and athletic prowess."
by TheWarlock July 7, 2005
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n. 1. Used as slang in prisons to describe Ramen noodles which are priced so cheap and are so easy to make, that even crackheads can purchase and prepare them.
"I got a crate of crackhead soups for only $1.00 at commissary this week!"
by TheWarlock May 17, 2005
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n. 1. A derogatory term used to describe an opponent; usually within the context of a fighting game, where the player's general gameplay skill consists of only a short set of fairly predictable, overused, or repetitive attack sequences which are easily solved, countered, and defended against. However, against novice players, such patterns can be highly irritating and can cause significant damage, leaving the pattern punk with an overinflated sense of his own skill, which in turn causes him to continue to use the same sequences over and over, believing that anyone who beats him must be playing "cheap", without seeing the limitations of his own abilities.
"That pattern punk was so easy to beat, I perfected him with 80 seconds left on the clock both rounds."

"Ugh! That pattern punk just kept doing that same thing again, and now I'm out of quarters!"
by TheWarlock July 7, 2005
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