4 definitions by RD8

Anybody arguing with a liberal. Synonyms with bigot, fascist, nazi, etc.
This racist just told me that illegal immigration is illegal! How dare he speak to a self identifying lesbian of color like that.
by RD8 March 10, 2019
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The idea that you have something that I don't, therefore you should give it to me. Commonly used by left wing media as a "catch all" solution, kind of like WD40.
Guy: Hey can you help me I fell off my chair and I think I broke my arm.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: *horse face* Have you tried socialism?
by RD8 March 6, 2019
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Someone who believes that they have the right to be generous with your wallet. Not to be confused with a communist, someone who avoids falling under the definition of a thief by making it impossible to own anything.

Successful socialist countries include:
Adolf Hitler was a National Socialist. He believed in exactly that, socialism on the national level; the right to the resources of another country.
by RD8 March 28, 2021
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"Hey have you got art class next period?"
"Yeah I do!"
"What a coincidence! It's almost like we always have art class!"
by RD8 March 6, 2019
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