6 definitions by Phoebus

The biggest and most active Greek metal forum.
Dragonlord said:

by Phoebus June 6, 2004
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Annoying hacker and general asshole in Counter-Strike and other online games.
Necronaut owned me so bad with his aimbot yesterday.
by Phoebus November 3, 2004
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You are everything I’ve ever wanted

When I’m with you, hours feel like seconds.

When we’re apart, days feel like years
I love you MyPhoebe.
by Phoebus October 14, 2020
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You are everything I’ve ever wanted

When I’m with you, hours feel like seconds.

When we’re apart, days feel like years
I love you MyPhoebe.
by Phoebus October 14, 2020
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The capital, infrastructural and natural, and the factors of products MINUS financial capital and the workers. Simply put, the financial capital is NOT a mean of production because no matter how much money someone has, only he who owns a factory can process natural goods and make e.g. food to eat and survive.
Factories, transport ships and airplanes... Also the media.
by Phoebus June 6, 2004
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Utopian ideals of a society where true wealth -the means of production- belong to the public, and the products' quality advances not by the need in market, but by sheer willpower to make a better world. Thus utopian.
Russia during Stalin's reign is a perfect example of actually existing communism. It had nothing to do with theoretical communism which is based on a notional society.
by Phoebus June 6, 2004
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