11 definitions by MrMrMemeyGuy

Anything animated. Be it american, french, british, irish, chinese, or japenese. Also, japenese cartoons don't have to be called anime, since the japenese call all animation anime. Cartoons can be any genre, but they are most often comedies.
Spongebob, Pokémon: The Series, Teen Titans, and Chowder are prime examples of cartoons.
by MrMrMemeyGuy September 17, 2017
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Outsiders to the meme community. AKA: not a "memer". They are also the target for slander because some random guy made random videos about explaining random jokes and it got random people's random panties in a random twist and then another random guy makes a random parody of the first random guy which causes a random chain reaction that causes a third random guy to throw a random hissyfit and the first random guy got randomly doxxed and then him and his random girlfriend had to get a random new home.
Ew, he's on 4chan and he referenced a dead meme! NORMIE! *T R I G G E R E D !*
by MrMrMemeyGuy September 7, 2017
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Someone who thinks bad things will forever remain bad unless previously good, and good things can very easily become bad.
Arguments regarding pessimism and optimism:
"Whiny fucker!"
"Ignorant shit!"'
"Emo-ass teen who can't accept things can get better!"
Crowd gasp
"Sunshiney idiot who thinks the world is all sunshine and rainbows!"
Crowd gasp
"Hey, what about cynicism?"

(Both) "shut up, asshole!"
by MrMrMemeyGuy May 2, 2018
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A diesease caused when one of your cells goes rogue and starts valueing its life over yours. So they kill you in an attept of survival.
by MrMrMemeyGuy August 21, 2017
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I'm just gonna live a good life and conform to society instead of becoming a shitfaced goth
by MrMrMemeyGuy November 1, 2017
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1: the last name of Karl Marx, a soviet politician who invented marxism and popularized communism
2: A villain from the video game series "Kirby" where he has an important role in Kirby Super Star and Kirby Super Star Ultra. In one of the sub-games "Milky Way Wishes" he tricks Kirby into helping him gain power of the clockwork kitty god and he would use that power to pull pranks on people if Kirby didn't kick his ass
Gamer: Just beat Marx today :D

Karl Marx died in March of 1883
by MrMrMemeyGuy June 18, 2017
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1: Synonym for deity. Plural: Gods. Whether it's a proper noun or not depends on if the god in question is from a unitheist religon or a multitheist religon
2: a word often used to convey suprise or exitement. Usually when used like this it is a proper noun
Occording to insert religon here, god name here is the god of insert thing here

Good God, that concert was loud!
by MrMrMemeyGuy October 21, 2017
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