33 definitions by Jackroll

spunk is a white liquid that shoots out your helmet on the dick its a bollocks of a fucking word one of my favourites too
are you cumming
do you mean the spunk way or the going somewhere way
ummmmmmm yeah are you cumming on i mean too the shop
hahahahaha you cummed
listen you punk o' spunk do you want some
will shut the fuck up you little zygote
by Jackroll March 31, 2006
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a blowjob is a code word for fucking cocksucking its the bollocks of a word and a weird and shit name to call it
fuck's sake man see on christmas do you bastard give or recieve
i do both it is the same crap every year
oh really what the fuck is that
a blowjob
hey you knobhead that was my idea
do you want me to give you one at school i was called the head master
by Jackroll March 31, 2006
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the act of chugging a girl meaning to rub her lovebucket until it reaches orgasm (climaxes)
fucking hell iam in to fingering ladys
really when did you fucking last finger one
in the 20's
hahahahaha who had thought you were a shithead bahahaha
when the fuck did you last finger a woman
you wan....wait thats good
yeah eat that suck my goolies will ya
by Jackroll March 31, 2006
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usually done by poofs and dykes for the poofs they insert their fist through the other poofs arse thus like punching it and for the fucking dykes they have a choice the arse or minge
fuck i use my fist for fucking fighting what the fuck do you cunting use yours for
by Jackroll March 31, 2006
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a hummer is not just a fucking blowjob its more when the lady hums thus vibrating her fucking lips or making a wee tune and gives you a chewie while humming thus making a vibrating stimulating feeling to the gooliesack fuck me that is a hummer another definition is humjob look at humjob as well
fuck me me and my GF went to a restraunt she brung her fucking mp3 player and she fancied a oral quickie under the fucking table she was listining to the annoying cunt crazy frog so she lobbed my dick out my crotch hole and giving me a hummer in-fucking-fact every time i wank it does the crazy frog tune i fucking love hummers even cars of the fuckers too
by Jackroll March 31, 2006
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your momma got VD because i was mounting her nice
by Jackroll July 7, 2006
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semen is white liquid that goes into a women after you pop her cherry and it fertilizes to the egg and helps you get a baby and the white cumshot that shoots out the bell end on your dobber(meaning for a dick)after you pull off
you fucking pansie bastards we are gonna talk about seamen ok seamen swims in the bucket trying to save a poor child after 9 months you cunts the person it saved ''CUMS'' if you know what i mean out the bucket so you gonks thats seamen are now go play with that semen in the minge you wankers (joke made by lucas bolton A.K.A Jackroll)
by Jackroll April 3, 2006
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