2 definitions by ClearZ

This is the one white guy that hangs out with minorities in order to easily score pot or other substances. Usually the alpha male of the group he scores the most girls. An example of an interaction between the token white guy and a friend is as follows

Black Friend : OK ill see u tomorrow dawg! (Goes to give dap)
Token: Ok, (gives dap, walks away)
Token: I fucking hate these people! If i wasnt getting so much weed and minority pussy I'd snuff all these assoles!
Token White Guy Cosby Show
by ClearZ June 26, 2010
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To watch youtube videos made by some self-appointed, conspiracy of the month guru, that align with your already fantastical world view. The closer these videos are to what you already believe the better and any divergence in thought is viewed with deep suspicion. Reading actual scientific papers and websites is never research since they may contain weird symbols known as math (most likely is some kind of satanic script) and everyone knows all scientists work for the Illuminati anyway.
I researched flat earth enough to know it is true and you're not going to convince me otherwise.
Look, bro, all I'm asking is that you do the research yourself. I'll send you some youtube vids.
by ClearZ June 18, 2020
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