1 definition by BOO999

A state in the Midwest where people definitely know how to have fun. However the only way to do it is either to drink excessively (like 99% of the pop. does) or to spend all night shooting off fireworks at houses. If you ever go to Madison (capitol city) being sober is not an option. it has arguably one of the best party schools in the country. despite the lack of sobriety in Wisconsin, the driving skill far surpasses that of Illinois's. the un-ending rivalry between Wisconsin and Illinois is by far the most hate-driven in the U.S. However the two are terribly similar if you substitute cheese for corn and forests for fields. Also, even though they seem to hate each other, when a Wisconsinite and Illinoisan actually meet they are most likely to become great friends...weird.
Overall Wisconsin is a great place to live if you can take the disgustingly frigid winters and sometimes brutally hot summers.
by BOO999 March 11, 2009
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