The sort of word you might find on UD... Young-people talk. That scary language they speak to each other in the streets, using their own special words for things, hang on mate I'm not wearing me hearing aid...

From euphemism and youth.
Carvy innit? Proper chavoid. Like, gert wallops an' that! Wodjerbleevit? Chudhees! 180 the beeatch sez Oi.

(a series of youthemisms overheard in Bristol, England)
by Mathilda Underfoot February 4, 2010
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Application of the term "youth" or "youths" as a euphemism when reporting crimes performed by young thugs.
Liberal leaning local papers can be counted on to use Youthemisms like "YOUTHS rob BART passengers at station in Oakland" instead of opening with "Punk-ass thugs..."
by Gaijinman April 25, 2017
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