by Halefest May 20, 2023
by Nima04 April 9, 2019
1. A former friend or acquaintance whose company is no longer considered to be beneficial to a relationship.
2. One who is deemed or deems him/herself to be of more use to another as an adversary as apposed to an ally.
2. One who is deemed or deems him/herself to be of more use to another as an adversary as apposed to an ally.
by nethcev! August 24, 2006
by Unl1m1t3d October 7, 2012
by Tim XYZ October 24, 2003
Our one, main, enemy is Voldemort. We must hunt him down with wild packs of dogs and Ginny Weasley. She has some mean attack spells
by sarah941 January 26, 2010
Knowing who common enemies are can be more helpful than looking for common ground with other people.
There is no common ground between you and your enemies, and they don't want you to wake up and fight, they want you to wake up and compromise/follow orders.
by Solid Mantis November 18, 2020