A cute little cuddlecreature shaped like a bear cub.
I gave my daughter a teddie bear for her birfday.
by teh teddie December 20, 2014
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A well known prostitute in coffee county,GA she can be found near the "sand ridge" and she has been know to give "favors" for 5 dollars, crack, and KFC meals, she can be spotted by her mullet and lack of teeth
"hey, how was your doctor's visit"
"Not good, Teddy bear gave me the clap"
by magulon February 19, 2018
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A word to mean a man/guy who is chubby, cute and cuddly. They are usually tall with exotic names. If a Teddy Bear has a girlfriend, she will never refer to him by his real name but only by "Teddy Bear". They are very lovable and give free hugs and free teddy bears.
Person 1: Look! There's a Teddy Bear over there!
Person 2: Nah, that's just Patrick
by SunnyTeddyBear September 14, 2014
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A cuddly huggable thing that will always cheer you up! No matter what age you are, you can never be to old for a teddy bear.
by Fuzzy lover February 23, 2016
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1) A plush toy in the form of a bear cub.

2) A big, beefy guy who looks like he'd be fun to cuddle.
"The little boy fell asleep hugging a teddy bear."

"Abraham Benrubi is such a teddy bear!"
by Qit January 23, 2004
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Someone you sleep with but don't have sex with.

Someone you sleep with just for the comfort of having another person in your bed.

A person in replacement of the stuffed animal.
He takes comfort in holding his teddy bear and hearing her heart beat at night.
by GameGoddess777 December 1, 2010
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A stuffed bear with glasses and a tie. Reminded me of my Colonel. I came in it.
Teddy bear.

Was he really gonna tell her that he loved her?

"I came in the bear."
by HeadKlansman June 18, 2008
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