someone that rubs their crouch in someone else's face , they can have underpants on, but most of the time there are no underpants.
"Hey! IF I have to tell you one more time, no teabagging tonight, you teabagger!"
by urmombix August 19, 2003
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A douche who thinks he can impact the political discourse by waving a gun and holding up a bunch of racist, illegible signage.

Alternately, someone who puts his balls in another dude's mouth.
I just got teabagged on the steps of the Ohio Statehouse.

Teabagger's got some sweaty balls.
by msLaLa November 19, 2010
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1. Real Lamer, loser, idiot.
2. Watcher of FOX news (this definition may be redundant).
I guess I am a teabagger. I wanted to protest taxes, but just wound up with Dick Armey's balls in my mouth.
by roger the doger April 19, 2009
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1. A fascist right-wing conservative who opposes affordable healthcare by shouting at public gatherings.

2. A fascist conservative who protests living wages, affordable healthcare, and corporate accountability by dipping his nutsack into the mouth of another right-wing moron.
An avid teabagger, Larry Craig lowered his sweaty nutsack into Sean Hannity's open mouth while watching a replay of his Fox News show
by Keepitsane October 27, 2009
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A person who believes that wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on war and tax cuts is okay and that criticizing the president automatically makes you an anti-American traitor, but only if the president is a white Republican. If the president is a black Democrat, it's suddenly okay to brandish assault weapons at his rallies, call him a communist socialist Marxist racist Nazi terrorist nigge...whoops, Muslim. Teabaggers are typically obese inbred southern WASPs who are still upset that they lost the Civil War. Most of them can't spell worth a damn and think "nuclear" is pronounced "nookyular". Despite what they say, 99% of teabaggers are white and Republican.
The teabaggers at yesterday's rally waved signs claiming that the Civil Right's Act is communist and unAmerican.
by rtv0587 January 8, 2011
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the name originally given to and by themselves, as members of the movement now known as the Tea Party. They tried to back off this term after they became aware that it's also used as a sexual term that denotes dropping ones ball-sack into another mans mouth( also used for dropping said sack into a womans mouth, but mostly men on men). They are uninformed and misinformed about politics- almost always right wing zealots, latent racists, they claim to be against big government, unless that big government controls who we love ( don't like out openly gay/lesbian people), they are generally unable to debate their views with anyone that has a clue, they are for giving money to the rich ( in the form of tax cuts- to help the "job creators")in the hopes that the American dream ( to also be rich) will someday be theirs.
The teabaggers were very excited to hear Sarah Palin's coming to town- they excitedly proclaim- clean up the trailer, comb your mullet and brush yer tooth- Sarah's a comin!!!
by tretalo December 21, 2011
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1. A derogatory term that refers to a person who supports the conservative Tea Party movement. 2. A person who places their scrotum into the open mouth of a sexual partner or unsuspecting victim.
Sarah Palin and the teabaggers rallied on the mall in Washington D.C. today demanding lower taxes and a reduced budget deficit.
by flowleisurly December 23, 2010
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