When justin bieber sags his pants cuz he's a wannabe nigger for some ungodly reason. He thinks he's the fucking shit and tries to act "hard" (some jiggaboo term) when in reality anyone with balls between their legs could fuck him up .The biggest joke in music and also an enormous bitch with almost no muscle whatsoever.Could easily be handled in a fight
Man #1 "Look at justin bieber sagging his pants without a shirt he thinks it's "swaggy" man #2 "what a faggot"
by deeznuts pimping January 5, 2014
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A Swaggie is an is an old Australian and New Zealand term describing an underclass of transient temporary workers, who travelled by foot from farm to farm carrying the traditional swag (bedroll). Also characteristic of swagman attire was a hat strung with corks to ward off flies.
by The Haxor February 11, 2013
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Person with "swagger" showin it off.
Damn man, that shirt has you lookin all swaggy.
by TAS3031 April 2, 2009
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A littler form of swag despite it being a larger word. Baby swag.
Big brother: Got my swag on, ready to go to dinner with the family.
Little brother: I cant wait to outgrow being swaggie and be like you big brother!

Big brother: Ha ha GOOD one lil bro *pats little bros snapback covered head* we'll see. A few more ebay shopping sprees and we'll see....we'll see
by Spoopy April 27, 2013
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