A young child (most likely a toddler) who is naive, but at the same time clever enough to abuse the innocence of youth. A stupid brat will most likley tattle to get what he/she wants or to manipulate a situation to have bad results for another and spoils for them.
“ my child keeps downloading viruses, and blaming it on me. He is such a stupid brat.”
by Insomniac child March 15, 2018
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that one kid who lives/lived on your street and is obsessed with fortnite. his mother spoils him with whatever she wants. causing him to be a little brat. everyone hates this kid and thinks he's annoying, but he thinks everyone is his best friend. he owns a shelf full of fidget spinners, and like 5 MacBook airs. when he doesn't get his way, he screams like a 2 year old.
that little stupid computerfaced brat that lives on my street screamed at me last week when I wouldn't give him my tablet.
by iamthefirstdefinition March 20, 2019
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