possibly the greatest tasting coffee in the world
the people who dont like this coffee probably drink liquid shit like chock full o nuts and cheaper brands like folgers and maxwell house- they wouldnt know a good tasting coffee if it bit them in the ass
look at all the people on urban dictionary hating on the people who like and drink starbucks cause they cant afford a cup and have to drink folgers

people who drink starbucks have good taste
by starbucks lover February 23, 2005
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A successful small US company with a good quality and environmental record that treats it's workers well and has a good product that people want to buy.Because of it's good customer service and product, the company does very well and expands, yet does not francise to maintain quality. So of course all the yuppie noveau hippies and poser hipsters hate it in a kneejerk way because it's "the Man". How dare people patronize a store that makes a consistently decent product! They should patronize the crap local coffeehouse that employs the loser hipsters who cannot make a decent latte to save their lives, as it's more "authentic".
I thought you hated Starbucks Josh, what's with the latte?
by gingernyc September 4, 2007
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An extremely popular yet expensive coffee chain where many teens go to hang out, gossip/chat on a Friday, and buy coffee. Older, college students often find Starbucks a comfortable and quiet place to study or type various things on their laptops.
"We'll always have our starbucks Friday right guys?"
my teacher said- "If you need to make up an assignment, come in early and feel free to bring your starbucks too."
"I'm going to starbucks to study"
by Cherrypie December 7, 2006
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the status symbol plague of america in liquid form...it's the only beverage accessory to your outfit now. and every mindless drone who goes there thinks that they're artsy, posh, and sophisticated if they visit a starbucks or carry around a drink with its logo, despite the fact that just about anyone can buy from there?
Serena stopped by starbucks in the morning to buy a mocca java and she finished it in 5 minutes flat but more importantly she carried the empty cup with its starbucks logo around to each of her next 6 class periods of the day.

Tara almost sold her soul to work at starbucks, now she finally got the job, thinks she's in paradise, and brags about how she can make the best frappacinos and can serve her admiring friends for free. As you can see, she's truly made it in life.
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1. a place where menopausal women come to verbally abuse me cause their children have moved out to avoid the mental torture and their husbands are gladly away on business trips in third world countries.
2. a place where groups of 3-5 13 year old girls who have somehow managed to come across a jefferson all want a frappuccino of a different flavor, then change their mind while i'm halfway through making it.
3.a coffee house that has gained popularity with the masses by letting them know that their $3.10 for a 12 ounce drink is showing the rest of the world that they are indeed a cup above.
4. a place where annoying people are convinced that i want to hear their trials and tribulations.
5. a coffee house that serves a good cup of joe to the masses for a high price, was ruined by the invention of the evil frappuccino.
Frowning woman: half organic half soy with a splash of breve extra extra hot i mean exactly 187 degrees, and i carry a thermometer in my purse you sou better make it exactly 187 triple venti 5/7 decaf sugar free vanilla cafe latte. oh yeah and no foam.
Me: ok.
Frowning woman: (now scowling bitterly) oh you are writing it all wrong give me the cup and i'll write it myself. my usual Starbucks barista that i go to writes it in italics times new roman. hisssssssssss.
by Colin M. May 16, 2006
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The only place where a White Mocha Frappuccino or Caramel Macchiato can be called just coffee.
Man, I can't make it through the morning without my coffee. Thank God for Starbucks!

*Continues to drink milk-shake*
by Namelessness July 17, 2007
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A quiet wonderful coffee shop found on every corner of every street in every suburban town.
Im going to starbuck... (walks to the nearest street corner)
by fancythat March 20, 2005
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