Self Service - masturbation solo - without help.
I went to the local spa and it was strictly ss (self service)
by GQdenver July 9, 2006
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SS otherwise known as Secret Stoners
Good shit man, i knowwwww maaaannnnnn - SS
by wdhsess January 24, 2007
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Standard Swallow, British motorsport company founded by Sir William Lyons in 1927. In 1936, made the SS100, a top sports car of the day. After world war two, obviious political reasons warranted a change of name to Jaguar.
A Jaguar SS100.
by Gumba Gumba March 26, 2004
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Nazi Secret Service. Practically every SS officer had committed war crimes.
Elite German soldiers were drafted into the SS during WW2.
by anon. November 26, 2003
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To be sexually starved or deprived of sex for a set amount of days, month or even years.
I swear, SS is worst than being hungry
by Sleepy In The 6th November 15, 2017
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ss stands for "similar structure"

There is an undeniable pattern occurring with girls from schools with high asian populations. Many girls, particularly asian ones, seem to have the notable "small and thin body frame" hence my friend & i have decided to call this group of similar, ununique girls "similar structure", ss for short. SS's are tend to be asian, and usually gather in groups. SS's are very hard to tell apart so to separate them you must find keen, precise semi-unique characteristics about them.

ie "chink" - chinky eyes.
ie "leader" probably the most valiant and stands out even though shes short, she is outspoken and sporty and catholic
ie "baby face" 16 years old but still looks like she is in the 5th grade, especially because she just got braces and when she wears her glasses

Along with their small body frame ss's have, but are not limited to, smarts, ap classes , school spirit, sports, soft voices.
My school is full of ss's =(

Dude ss average! right there!

So far as of May 27, we have named 15 ss's
by RandomGuy723 May 28, 2010
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Used as a courtesy title for a man in an Italian-speaking area, equivalent to Mr

ss/// Mr.Pooh
by Miller W March 26, 2005
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